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Quality Related Technical Conferences
Conferences entries are generally sorted in inverse order by date (oldest conferences last, earliest conferences first).
- QW'2000 13th International Software Quality Week San Jose, CA, USA: 30 May - 2 June 2000
- PSQT'00 SouthSixth International Conference on Practical Software Quality Techniques Austin, Texas, USA: March 13-17, 2000
- SEKE2000 12th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Chicago, IL, USA: July 6-8, 2000
- OOPSLA'2000 15th Annual ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages and Applications Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA: October 15-19, 2000
- QW'99 12th International Software Quality Week San Francisco, CA, USA: 24-28 May 1999
- PSQT'99 SouthFourth International Conference on Practical Software Quality Techniques San Antonio, Texas, USA: June 7-11, 1999
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- PSQT'99 NorthFifth International Conference on Practical Software Quality Techniques St. Paul, Minnesota, USA: October 4-8, 1999
- OOPSLA'99 Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Language and Applications Denver, Colorado, USA: 1-5 November 1999
- PNSQC'98 16th Pacific Northwest Software Quality Conference joint with Eighth International Conference on Software Quality (ASQ), Oregon, USA: 12-15 October
- OOPSLA'98 Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Language and Applications Vancouver, BC, CANADA: 18-22 October 1998
- IPDS'98 IEEE International Computer Performance & Dependability Symposium,Durham, North Carolina, USA: 7-9 September 1998
- SEKE'98 10th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, San Francisco, California, USA: 18-20 June 1998
- QW'9811th International Software Quality Week Conference, San Francisco, California, USA: 26-29 May 1998
- ISSTA98 - 1998 ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, Clearwater Beach, Florida, USA: 2-4 March 1998
(Possible broken link -- Dec '99)
- PNSQC'9715th Pacific Northwest Software Quality Conference Portland, Oregon, USA: 28-39 October 1997
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- Eighth International Conference on Applications of Software Measurement Atlanta, Georgia, USA: 27-30 October 1997
- PSQT'97Second Upper Midwest Conference on Practical Software Quality Techniques Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA: 7-8 October 1997
- 7ICSQ7th International Conference on Software Quality Montgomery, Alabama, USA: 6-8 October 1997
- OOPSLA'97 Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Language and Applications Atlanta, Georgia, USA: 5-9 October 1997
- Testing Year 2000 Applications and Environments; Washington, D.C., USA: 24-25 July 1997
- COMPASS-97: 12th Annual Conference on COMPuter ASSurance, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA: 16-20 June 1997
- QW'97 10th INTERNATIONAL SOFTWARE QUALITY WEEK, San Francisco, California, USA: 27-30 May 1997
- SPIN Software Process Improvement Network and EastBay Software Quality Assurance free meeting: San Ramon, California, USA: 21 May 1997
- SSR'97 Symposium on Software Reusability , Boston, Massachusetts, USA: 18-20 May 1997
(Possible broken link -- Dec '99)
- ACM'971997 50th Anniversary ACM National Conference, San Jose, CA: 1-5 March 1997
- 6th Annual ASQC Quality Audit Conference - ASQC Audit Division, Los Angeles, California, USA: 27-28 February, 1997
- HICSS - 30 Techniques for Safety Critical Software Development, Thirtieth Annual Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, Kihei, Maui, Hawai'i, January 7-10, 1997
- 3rd IEEE International Symposium on Requirements Engineering (RE'97), Annapolis, MD: 6-10 January 1997
- ICSM'96 International Conference on Software Maintenance, Monterey, California, USA, November 4 - 8, 1996
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- ISSRE'96: The Seventh International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, Crowne Plaza Hotel, White Plains, NY, October 30, 1996 - November 2, 1996
- PNSQC'96: Pacific Northest Software Quality Conference, Portland, Oregon, USA: 28-30 Oct 1996
- 6ICSQ: Sixth International Conference on Software Quality, 28-30 October 1996, Westin Hotel, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
- ITC: International Test Conference 1996, October 22-24, 1996, Washington, DC
- ICECCS'96: Second IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems ICECCS'96, October 21-25, 1996.
- OOPSLA'96, 6-10 October 1996, San Jose, CA
- 13th International Conference on TESTING COMPUTER SOFTWARE, Theme: Improving the Testing Process, Washington, D.C., June 10-13, 1996
- QW'96: 9th International Software Quality Week, May 1996
- STAR'95 Conference on Software Testing Analysis & Review, Orlando, Florida USA, May 13 - 17, 1995
North/South America
- IEEE High-Assurance Systems Engineering Workshop October 22, 1996, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada (In conjunction with 15th Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems)
- QWE'2000 4th International Software Quality Week/Europe Brussels, Belgium: 6-10 November 2000
- SAFECOMP200019th International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security Rotterdam, The Netherlands: 25-27 October 2000
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- QWE'98 2nd International Software Quality Week/Europe Conference, Brussels, Belgium: 9-13 November 1998
- INSPIRE98 3rd Annual International Conference on Software Process Improvement - Research, Education and Training, Sunderland, UK: 9-11 September 1998
- COMPSAC'98 22nd Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference, Vienna, Austria: 17-18 August 1998
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- FTCS'98 - 28th International Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing, Munich, Germany: 23-25 June 1998
- ESREL'98 European Safety and Reliability Conference 1998, Trondheim, Norway: 17-19 June 1998
- SQM'98 6th Annual International Conference on Software Quality Management '98, Amsterdam, Netherlands: 6-9 April
- AQuIS'98 4th International Conference on Achieving Quality in Software, Venice, Italy: 31 March-3 April 1998
- EuroSTAR'97 5th European Conference on Software Testing Analysis And Review, Edinburgh, Scotland: 24-28 November 1997
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- International Conference on Software Maintenance, Bari, Italy, 29 September 1997 to 3 October 1997
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- 6th European Software Engineering Conference, Zurich, Switzerland, 22-25 September 1997
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- Safeware: Masterclass in Software Safety Homerton College, University of Cambridge, UK, 4-6 June 1997
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- SAFECOMP '96 The 15th International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security, Arcotel Hotel Wimberger, Vienna, Austria, October 23 - 25, 1996
- ENCRESS, The 2nd Annual ENCRESS Conference, Paris, France, June 13-14 1996.
- 18th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE-18) 22-30 March 1996,Technishche Universtät, Berlin.
Pacific Rim
- FTCS-26 the Twenty-Sixth Annual International Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing, Sendai, Japan, June 25-27 1996.
Other (ROW)
- SEPG 2000 2nd International SEPG Conference in India India: 23-26 February 2000
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