Here are all 12 of the entries in the 4-STAR special collection.
Dr. Boris Beizer, Software Testing Techniques - Second Edition (Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, Inc.) New York 1983.[ISBN 1850328803] {Keywords: Testing} [Order Code: BEI-83-004 $55.95]
Tom DeMarco and Tom Lister, Peopleware: Productive Projects & Teams, 2nd Ed. (Dorset House) 1999.[ISBN 0932633439] [Order Code: DMA-87-002 $33.95]
Norman Fenton and Shari Lawrence Pfleeger Software Metrics: A Rigorous and Practical Approach1998.[ISBN 0534954251] [Order Code: FEN-91-001 $57.95]
Tom Gilb and Dorothy Graham, Software Inspection (Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.) Wokingham, England 1993.[ISBN 0-201-63181-4] [Order Code: GIL-93-001 $44.95]
Robert L. Glass, Building Quality Software (Prentice Hall) 1992.[ISBN 0130866954 ] [Order Code: GLA-92-001 $49.00]
Watts S. Humphrey, Managing the Software Process: SEI Series in Software Engineering (Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.) Reading, Massachusetts 1989.[ISBN 0-201-18095-2] [Order Code: HUM-89-001 $58.95]
Capers Jones, Patterns of Software Systems Failure and Success (International Thomson Computer Press) Boston, Massachusetts 1996.[ISBN 1-85032-804-8] [Order Code: JON-96-003] (OUT OF PRINT)
Cem Kaner, Jack Falk, & Hung Quoc Nguyen, Testing Computer Software (Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, Inc.) New York 1996.[ISBN 1850328471] [Order Code: KAN-96-001 $34.95]
Michael R. Lyu, Handbook of Software Reliability Engineering (McGraw Hill) New York 1996.[ISBN 0070394008] [Order Code: LYU-96-001 $79.99]
Brian Marick, The Craft of Software Testing (Prentice-Hall, Inc.) Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 1995.[ISBN 0-13-177411-5] [Order Code: MRI-95-001 $54.00]
J. Musa, A. Iannano, and K. Okumoto, Software Reliability Measurement, Prediction, and Application (McGraw-Hill, Inc.) New York 1987.[ISBN 0-07-044093-X] [Order Code: MUS-87-001 $87.50]
Roger Pressman, A Manager's Guide To Software Engineering (McGraw-Hill, Inc.) 1993.[ISBN 0070508208] [Order Code: PRE-93-001 $55.00]