Software Quality Source
Copyright © 1999-2006 by Software Research, Inc.
Software Testing and Quality Bookshelf
Please note: Books are available ONLY in the following kits; we are currently not
shipping individual items.
Question: How do you get good information about modern methods of software testing
and quality control?
Answer: Technical Conferences
(e.g. the Quality Week conference series),
or technical seminars, or newsgroups, or "the experts".
If you can't locate an expert, the next best thing is the books they write.
There are 300+ books available in the SR/Institute's QualitySource.
They represent what we believe to be the very best of technology in
every aspect of software quality and testing.
- You can browse the complete
QualitySource Library.
- You can check our
Special Collections
from our master booklist,
selected based on their current interest and overall popularity.
We've chosen three special selections -- kits of a dozen, two dozen,
or four dozen of the most-wanted books -- that will be of special interest:
- Quality Expert's Desktop
Here are the top dozen books we think a testing expert ought to have available.
- Quality Guru's Bookshelf
Here are the top two dozen books we think a testing guru -- someone who trains the experts -- ought to have available as a technical resource.
- Quality Team's Bookcase
Here are the top four dozen books we think your quality/testing team -- which might be doing multiple projects -- ought have available.
We hope you find our QualitySource library a useful resource!