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                     sssss     s       rrrr    rrrr
                     ssssss            rrrr    rrrr
                      ssssssss         rrrr   rrrr
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                    s      ssssss      rrrr  rrrr
                    ss      sssss      rrrr   rrrr
                    sss    sssss       rrrr    rrrr
                    s  sssssss        rrrrr     rrrrr

         +======= Testing Techniques Newsletter (TTN) =======+
         +=======           ON-LINE EDITION           =======+
         +=======            February 1997            =======+

monthly to support the Software Research, Inc. (SR) user community and
provide information of general use to the worldwide software testing

(c) Copyright 1997 by Software Research, Inc.  Permission to copy and/or
re-distribute is granted to recipients of the TTN On-Line Edition
provided that the entire document/file is kept intact and this copyright
notice appears with it.



   o  10th International Software Quality Week -- Preliminary Program

   o  Ariane Software Failure -- Redux (forwarded by David Harrison)

   o  TestWorks Corner -- Updates, Changes, New Offerings

   o  Improving Speed and Productivity of Software Development: A Global
      Survey of Software Developers (Summary of IEEE TSE Article), by
      Joseph Blackburn, Gary Scudder and Luc Van Wassenhove.

   o  Call for Papers: 6th European Software Engineering Conference

   o  Advanced Computing Society: Call for Papers, ADCOMP'97 (Madras,

   o  POPL'97 Technical Program (Technical Paper References)

   o  Call For Participation: ISSRE'97

   o  Evaluating TTN-Online



             10th International Software Quality Week 1997

                             27-30 May 1997

     P r e l i m i n a r y   P r o g r a m   D e s c r i p t i o n

While the final program has not yet been announced -- final speaker
logistics arrangements are still being made -- there are enough details
so you can get a reasonable take on what you'll hear at the 10th Annual
International Software Quality Week.

Complete details and the final program, to be announced in the next week
or so, are at the WWW URL:


There are 10 half-day tutorials by well-known experts in their field,
with topics that include:

  o 10X Testing: Automating Specification-Based Testing
  o An Overview of Testing
  o Applying Operational Profiles in Testing
  o Cleanroom Development: Formal Methods, Judiciously Applied
  o Introduction to SPICE (ISO 15504 Software Process Assessment)
  o Optimizing Software Inspections
  o Software Engineering Models for Quality: Comparing the SEI
    Capability Maturity (CMM) to ISO 9001
  o Software Quality-Related Law
  o Ten tutorials by world-renowned speakers, including such titles as:
  o Test Automation for Object oriented Systems


Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday keynotes take on such hot topics as:

  o Y2K Testing
  o Software Dynamics
  o Gaining Confidence in Distributed Systems
  o Cyberspace Attacks and Countermeasures
  o Keeping The "Engineering" in Software Engineering
  o In Pursuit of Quality: The Case Against ISO 9000


The Quick-Start track of 90-minute mini-tutorials includes renowned
experts in their fields with these titles:

  o How to be an Expert Tester
  o Managing Software Quality -- How to Avoid Disaster and Achieve
  o The Java Market Explored
  o Making Contracts Testable
  o Secrets of Software Quality
  o The Test Manager at The Project Status Meeting
  o Test Coverage Analysis


There are 42 regular papers in the three tracks, and they include titles
such as:

  o A General Path Generation Algorithm for Coverage Testing (9T1)
  o Testing Timing Behaviors of Real Time Software (4T1)
  o An Integrated Test Environment for Distributed Applications (8T1)
  o Generating Trace Checkers for Test Oracles (3T2)
  o Mutation-based Regression Testing (2T2)
  o Partial Statistical Test Coverage and Abstract Testing (7T2)
  o Using the Unravel Program Slicing Tool to Evaluate High Integrity
    Software (3T1)
  o Testing Temporal Correctness of Real-Time Systems by Means of
    Genetic Algorithms (4T2)
  o A Firewall Approach for the Regression Testing of Object-Oriented
    Software (6T1)
  o Guerrilla SQA (9M2)
  o National Software Quality Experiment: A Lesson in Measurement (3M2)
  o Catching Bugs in the Web: Using the World Wide Web to Detect
    Software Localization Defects (7A2)
  o Experiences with OS Reliability Testing on the Exemplar System (3A2)
  o Identifying Fault-Prone Modules: A Case Study (4A1)
  o Test Automation Solutions for Complex Internetworking Products (9A1)
  o Grey Box Testing C++ via the Internet (7A1)
  o Automating the Process of Testing Security and High-Risk Networks
  o Managing Test Automation: Reigning in the Chaos of a Multiple
    Platform Test Environment (3A1)
  o A Requirement Traceability Application for Space Systems (2A2)

And many, many more.


The technical tradeshow will have over 25 different companies and a
technically reviewed Vendor Technical Track will present carefully
selected Vendor talks.

For complete information or to obtain a copy of the conference brochure
please send Email to


                    Ariane Software Failure -- Redux

                      Forwarded by David Harrison

It took the European Space Agency 10 years and $7 billion to produce
Ariane 5, a giant rocket capable of hurling a pair of three-ton
satellites into orbit with each launch and intended to give Europe
overwhelming supremacy in the commercial space business.

All it took to explode that rocket less than a minute into its maiden
voyage last June, scattering fiery rubble across the mangrove swamps of
French Guiana, was a small computer program trying to stuff a 64-bit
number into a 16-bit space.

One bug, one crash.  Of all the careless lines of code recorded in the
annals of computer science, this one may stand as the most devastatingly
efficient.  From interviews with rocketry experts and an analysis
prepared for the space agency, a clear path from an arithmetic error to
total destruction emerges.

To play the tape backward:

At 39 seconds after launch, as the rocket reached an altitude of two and
a half miles, a self-destruct mechanism finished off Ariane 5, along
with its payload of four expensive and uninsured scientific satellites.
Self-destruction was triggered automatically because aerodynamic forces
were ripping the boosters from the rocket.

This disintegration had begun instantaneously when the spacecraft
swerved off course under the pressure of the three powerful nozzles in
its boosters and main engine.  The rocket was making an abrupt course
correction that was not needed, compensating for a wrong turn that had
not taken place.

Steering was controlled by the on-board computer, which mistakenly
thought the rocket needed a course change because of numbers coming from
the inertial guidance system.  That device uses gyroscopes and
accelerometers to track motion.  The numbers looked like flight data --
bizarre and impossible flight data -- but were actually a diagnostic
error message.  The guidance system had in fact shut down.  This
shutdown occurred 36.7 seconds after launch, when the guidance system's
own computer tried to convert one piece of data -- the sideways velocity
of the rocket -- from a 64-bit format to a 16-bit format.  The number
was too big, and an overflow error resulted.

When the guidance system shut down, it passed control to an identical,
redundant unit, which was there to provide backup in case of just such a
failure.  But the second unit had failed in the identical manner a few
milliseconds before.  It was running the same software.

This bug belongs to a species that has existed since the first computer
programmers realized they could store numbers as sequences of bits,
atoms of data, ones and zeroes:  1001010001101001. . . .  A bug like
this might crash a spreadsheet or word processor on a bad day.

Ordinarily, though, when a program converts data from one form to
another, the conversions are protected by extra lines of code that watch
for errors and recover gracefully.  Indeed, many of the data conversions
in the guidance system's programming included such protection.

But in this case, the programmers had decided that this particular
velocity figure would never be large enough to cause trouble.  After
all, it never had been before.  Unluckily, Ariane 5 was a faster rocket
than Ariane 4.  One extra absurdity:  the calculation containing the
bug, which shut down the guidance system, which confused the on-board
computer, which forced the rocket off course, actually served no purpose
once the rocket was in the air.  Its only function was to align the
system before launch.  So it should have been turned off.  But engineers
chose long ago, in an earlier version of the Ariane, to leave this
function running for the first 40 seconds of flight -- a "special
feature" meant to make it easy to restart the system in the event of a
brief hold in the countdown.

The Europeans hope to launch a new Ariane 5 next spring, this time with
a newly designated "software architect" who will oversee a process of
more intensive and, they hope, realistic ground simulation.

Simulation is the great hope of software debuggers everywhere, though it
can never anticipate every feature of real life.  "Very tiny details can
have terrible consequences," says Jacques Durand, head of the project,
in Paris.  "That's not surprising, especially in a complex software
system such as this is."

These days, we have complex software systems everywhere.  We have them
in our dishwashers and in our wristwatches, though they're not quite so
mission-critical.  We have computers in our cars -- from 15 to 50
microprocessors, depending how you count:  in the engine, the
transmission, the suspensions, the steering, the brakes and every other
major subsystem.  Each runs its own software, thoroughly tested,
simulated and debugged, no doubt.

Bill Powers, vice president for research at Ford, says that cars'
computing power is increasingly devoted not just to actual control but
to diagnostics and contingency planning -- "Should I abort the mission,
and if I abort, where would I go?" he says.  "We also have what's called
a limp-home strategy."  That is, in the worst case, the car is supposed
to behave more or less normally, like a car of the pre-computer era,
instead of, say, taking it upon itself to swerve into the nearest tree.

The European investigators chose not to single out any particular
contractor or department for blame.  "A decision was taken," they wrote.
"It was not analyzed or fully understood."  And "the possible
implications of allowing it to continue to function during flight were
not realized."  They did not attempt to calculate how much time or money
was saved by omitting the standard error-protection code.

"The board wishes to point out," they added, with the magnificent
blandness of many official accident reports, "that software is an
expression of a highly detailed design and does not fail in the same
sense as a mechanical system."  No.  It fails in a different sense.
Software built up over years from millions of lines of code, branching
and unfolding and intertwining, comes to behave more like an organism
than a machine.

"There is no life today without software," says Frank Lanza, an
executive vice president of the American rocket maker Lockheed Martin.
"The world would probably just collapse."  Fortunately, he points out,
really important software has a reliability of 99.9999999 percent.  At
least, until it doesn't.


          TestWorks Corner -- Updates, Changes, New Offerings

Here is a summary of important recent additions, changes, upgrades to
the Software TestWorks(tm) product line.  TestWorks functionality
includes Regression, Coverage, and Advisor bundles on UNIX, and
Regression and Coverage bundles on Windows.  Many users believe that
TestWorks features include ALL of the necessary capabilities which, if
correctly applied, can assure software quality of the highest
commercially deliverable quality.

   o  TCAT for Java(tm) now shipping on SPARC/Solaris platforms.  TCAT
      for Java is a full-featured coverage analyzer with graphic
      displays of method hierarchies, method-invocation pair coverage,
      branch coverage, and easy and descriptive access to Java source

      Please send E-mail to if you are interested in
      early delivery of this exciting new product.

   o  If you are currently a TCAT C/C++ user you will shortly be able to
      download copies of "ijava" and "javarun".  These will work
      correctly with your TCAT GUIs (although there are different
      Xresources settings required).  For current TCAT C/C++ users on
      UNIX platforms we are offering a very attractive Java upgrade

      Please contact for details about how to arrange an
      upgrade to your existing licenses.

   o  Version 9.2 of TCAT C/C++, which incorporates many changes and
      additions (some are also shared with the TCAT for Java product) is
      available at no charge to users who are enrolled in our software
      support/maintenance program.  Please contact for

   o  Upgrades to our Windows products, including new versions of the
      TCAT C/C++ and CAPBAK/MSW for Windows 3.1x, will soon be available
      from our WWW site.  For information on how these versions differ
      from the versions now in the field please contact

For current information about TestWorks please call +1 (415) 957-14441,
send E-mail to, or check out our WWW site at [ also works!].


                        Summary of IEEE Article:

       Improving Speed and Productivity of Software Development:
                A Global Survey of Software Developers

                   by Joseph Blackburn, Gary Scudder
      (Owen Graduate School of Management, Vanderbilt University)
and Luk Van Wassenhove of INSEAD, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering,
                             December 1996.

Time is a critical measure of software development performance because
delays in completing software projects tend to fall right to the bottom
line. For commercial software, market share erodes when the product is
delayed because customers defect to competitors who have readily-
available alternatives. In consumer electronics, where software is
designed in parallel with hardware, project delays often mean that a
less attractive, less profitable product is brought to market. When
time-to-market is the metric, most software organizations fare poorly
because software projects are routinely late and over budget.

This research paper describes the management practices that result in
faster, more productive, software development, which we call time-based
software development. A secondary objective of this research is to
measure the extent to which practices, such as concurrent engineering,
found to be successful in reducing development time or improving
productivity in design for hardware products are applicable to the
management of the software process. Although there may be significant
differences between software and hardware, we contend that software, as
an industry, has become too large, too important and too tightly linked
with hardware to be treated as an unmanageable problem child or an
"add-on" to be programmed after hardware has been designed.

Our insights into global software development practice are based on a
four-year, empirical study carried out in Japan, the US and Western
Europe which surveyed performance on about 150 software development
projects. In the surveys we asked respondents to assess a recently
completed software project and provide information about project size
and productivity, about how time was allocated and team size in various
stages of development, about the effectiveness of different management
tools, and about how the firm's speed in development had changed over a
five-year period. In our data analysis we isolated the significant
factors that explain the difference between fast development and slow,
as well as high and low productivity.

The research strongly suggests that three things distinguish the faster,
high-productivity software development firms from the others: (1) they
spend more time on up-front activities finding out what customers want;
(2) they use smaller teams; (3) they combine talented people with a
disciplined process. Significantly, CASE tools and technology did not
turn out to be an important distinguishing factor, neither did the
country of origin, nor the level of language used.

Our conclusion is that how the development process is managed makes the
difference. The managerial actions that we found important to faster,
productive software are virtually the same as those that have been found
to be effective in other forms of product development. Culture or
country of origin does not appear to explain much of the difference in

Joseph Blackburn (
Owen Graduate School of Management
Vanderbilt University
401 21st Ave. So.
Nashville, TN 37203


                            CALL FOR PAPERS

             Sixth European Software Engineering Conference

                             together with

 Fifth ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering

                              ESEC/FSE 97

              Zurich, Switzerland -- September 22-25, 1997

The Sixth European Software Engineering Conference will be held jointly
with the Fifth ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software
Engineering. The combined conference will bring together professionals
from academia, business and industry to share information, evaluate
results and explore new ideas on software engineering models, languages,
methods, tools, processes, and practices. The conference will be
preceded by a wide range of tutorials on all aspects of software

Organized by The ESEC Steering Committee

Sponsored by
- CEPIS (Council of European Professional Informatics Societies)
- Swiss Informatics Society


Original papers are solicited from all areas of software engineering.
Papers may report results of theoretical, empirical, or experimental
work, as well as experience with technology transfer. Topics of
particular interest are

*  Requirements Engineering     *  Software architectures
*  Testing and verification     *  Software components
*  Configuration management     *  Design patterns
*  Software process models      *  Metrics and evaluation
*  SE environments              *  Safety-critical systems

Submission of papers

Submitted papers should be no longer than 6000 words and should include
a title page with a short abstract, list of keywords, and the authors'
addresses. Papers (6 copies) must be received by the Program Chair by
January 19, 1997. Submitted papers must not be under consideration by
other conferences or journals.

Submissions will be reviewed by the program committee for originality,
significance, timeliness, soundness and quality of presentation. You
should make clear what is novel about your work and should compare it
with related work. Theoretical papers should show how their results
relate to software engineering practice; practical papers should discuss
lessons learned and the causes of success or failure.


Proposals for half-day or full-day tutorials related to the topics of
the conference are invited. The proposal should detail the purpose and
contents of the tutorial, the required audience background and the
qualifications of the presenter. For further information consult the
conference web pages.

Conference Location

The conference will be held in Zurich, Switzerland, easily reachable by
air, by rail and by highway. Zurich is an international city with plenty
of cultural and sightseeing opportunities. The climate in Zurich is
usually mild and pleasant in September.

Important Dates

     Paper submissions due: January 19, 1997
     Tutorial submissions due: March 30, 1997
     Notification of acceptance: April 30, 1997
     Final versions of papers due: June 20, 1997


Executive Chair: Helmut Schauer
                 Department of Computer Science
                 University of Zurich
                 Winterthurerstrasse 190
                 CH-8057 Zurich, Switzerland
                 Phone +41-1-257 4340, Fax +41-1-363 00 35

Program Chair:   Mehdi Jazayeri
                 Distributed Systems Department
                 Technische Universitaet Wien
                 A-1040 Vienna, Austria
                 Phone +43-1-58801-4467, Fax +43-1-505 84 53

Tutorials Chair: Dino Mandrioli
                 Politecnico di Milano
                 Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32
                 I-20133 Milano, Italy
                 Phone +39-2-2399 3522, Fax +39-2-2399 3411

Program Committee Members

V. Ambriola (Italy)                 P. Kroha (Germany)
A. Bertolino (Italy)                J. Kuusela (Finland)
W. Bischofberger (Switzerland)      A. van Lamsweerde (Belgium)
P. Botella (Spain)                  A. Legait (France)
R. Conradi (Norway)                 G. Leon (Spain)
J.-C. Derniame (France)             B. Magnusson (Sweden)
F. De Paoli (Italy)                 H.-P. Moessenboeck (Austria)
A. Di Maio (Belgium)                H. Mueller (Canada)
A. Finkelstein (United Kingdom)     O. Nierstrasz (Switzerland)
A. Fuggetta (Italy)                 H. Obbink (Netherlands)
D. Garlan (USA)                     J. Palsberg (USA)
C. Ghezzi (Italy)                   W. Schaefer (Germany)
M. Glinz (Switzerland)              B. Scherlis (USA)
V. Gruhn (Germany)                  M. Sitaraman (USA)
K. Inoue (Japan)                    I. Sommerville (United Kingdom)
G. Kappel (Austria)                 S. D. Swierstra (Netherlands)
R. Kemmerer (USA)                   F. van der Linden (Netherlands)
R. Kloesch (Austria)                S. Vignes (France)
J. Kramer (United Kingdom)          J. Welsh (Australia)

Subscribing to the ESEC/FSE 97 mailing list

Please send mail to with the keyword SUBSCRIBE in
the subject field. To unsubscribe please send a mail with the keyword
UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject field.

For more information


                       ADVANCED COMPUTING SOCIETY


                               ADCOMP '97
          Fifth International Conference on Advanced Computing
                         December 15 - 17, 1997
Chennai (Madras), India

The goal of the fifth  annual conference  of the  Advanced Computing
Society is to provide a stimulating forum to industry professionals,
researchers, and government policy planners to share ideas, report
findings, discuss products and define future directions.

Over the past four years this conference has become one of the premier
forums for the growing technical community in India. Last year more than
half of the  200 attendees  were from industry  with  significant
participation from academic communities in India and overseas. We commit
to build on this success and increase it's influence on the technical

The conference will have sessions with contributed papers, invited
talks, practical experience reports, tutorials, panels, and vendor

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Advanced Computer Architecture
* Dependable, Fault-tolerant, Secure, and Real-time systems
* Parallel and Distributed Computing, Distributed Databases
* VLSI Systems

* Communication Networks for Advanced Computing: ATM, Gigabit, Wireless
* Internet Computing, Communication Issues in Mobile Computing

* Software Engineering: Applications, Tools, Testing, Formal Methods
* Advance Programming Environments and Tools
* Scientific and Engineering Applications
* Applications of Advanced Computing in Graphics, Vision, Image Processing


Authors are requested to submit five (5) copies of previously
unpublished paper/experience-report to program co-chairs before June 30,
1997. The length is limited to 5000 words (20 double spaced pages).
Authors will be notified of acceptance by August 30, 1997. Camera ready
papers would be required by October 1, 1997.

A set of selected papers from the Proceedings of ADCOMP '97 will be
published in a special issue of the Journal "Parallel and Distributed
Computing Practices", NOVA Science Publishers.


Half day/full day tutorials are proposed to be held on the first day of
the conference.  Tutorial proposals on topics of interest to Advanced
Computing are welcome. Please submit your proposals to the Tutorial
Chair by June 30, 1997.


Proposals for organizing special sessions in some particular topics
consisting of invited talks from eminent persons in the field are also
welcome.  Persons interested in organizing such sessions are requested
to contact the program co-chairs before June 30, 1997.


The conference provides an opportunity to the vendors of computing
systems to display their products. In addition, few sessions on vendor
presentation are planned.


Paper submission          : 30th June 1997
Proposals for tutorials   : 30th June 1997
Proposal for special
sessions                  : 30th June 1997
Camera ready papers
submission                : 1st  Oct   1996


Prof. R. M. Vasagam
Anna University, Chennai 600 025, India
Phone: +91-44-2351445
Fax  : +91-44-2350397

Prof. Dharma P. Agrawal
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
North Carolina State University
Box 7911, 232 Daniels Hall
Releigh NC 27695-7911, USA
Phone: 919-515-3984
Fax:   919-515-5523


Prof. A. K. Somani
Dept of Electrical Engineering
Dept of Computer Science and Engineering
University of Washington
Box 352500, Seattle,
Washington 98195-2500, USA
Phone: 206-685-1602
Fax  : 206-543-3842

Prof. K. M. Mehata
School of Computer Science and Engineering
Anna University, Madras
Chennai- 600 025, India
Phone: +91-44-2351126/2351723 Ext. 3341
Fax  : +91-44-2350397


                       POPL'97 TECHNICAL PROGRAM

                The 24th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on
                  Principles of Programming Languages

                       La Sorbonne, Paris, France
                          January 15-17, 1997


               o       o       o       o       o       o

Editors Note: The POPL conferences have, over the years, been a constant
source of good ideas and concepts relative to software quality issues.
The technical papers, authors, and their affiliations for this event are
given here.

               o       o       o       o       o       o

The 24th Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL'97)
addressed fundamental principles, important innovations, and
accomplishments in the design, definition, analysis, and implementation
of programming languages, programming systems, and programming
interfaces.  Both practical and theoretical papers were presented,
including descriptions of theoretical frameworks and reports on
experiences with practical applications.

Thirty-six papers, spanning a broad range of topics, were presented.
These papers were selected from over 225 submitted abstracts reviewed by
the Program Committee.  In addition to the papers, three distinguished
researchers were invited to give lectures, one starting each day of the

Computing on proofs
   Gilles Kahn                          INRIA, Sophia Antipolis, France

Fast and Accurate Flow-Insensitive Points-To Analysis
   Marc Shapiro & Susan Horwitz         University of Wisconsin-Madison

Partitioning Dataflow Analyses Using Types
   Erik Ruf                             Microsoft Research

Shape Types
   Pascal Fradet & Daniel Le Metayer    IRISA/INRIA, Campus de Beaulieu, France

Objective ML: A simple object-oriented extension of ML
   Didier Remy & Jerome Vouillon        INRIA Rocquencourt, France

Rolling Your Own Mutable ADT -- A Connection between Linear Types and Monads
   Chih-Ping Chen & Paul Hudak          Yale University

Search and Imperative Programming
   Krzysztof R. Apt                     CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
   Andrea Schaerf                       Universita di Roma

A Unified Computation Model for Functional and Logic Programming
   Michael Hanus                        Informatik II, RWTH Aachen, Germany

Call by Need Computations to Root-Stable Form
   Aart Middeldorp                      University of Tsukuba, Japan

Self-Certified Code
   George C. Necula                     Carnegie Mellon University

Is "Just in Time" = "Better Late than Never"?
   Michael Plezbert & Ron K. Cytron     Washington University in St. Louis

Parameterized Types and Java
   Joseph A. Bank, Barbara Liskov & Andrew C. Myers     MIT

Pizza into Java: Translating theory into practice
   Martin Odersky                       Universitat Karlsruhe
   Philip Wadler                        University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK

Automatic Parallelization, Whence It Came, Where It's Going
   Paul Feautrier                       Universite de Versailles St-Quentin

Determining the Idle Time of a Tiling
   Karin Hogstedt, Larry Carter, Jeanne Ferrante
                                        University of California, San Diego

Model Checking for Programming Languages using VeriSoft
   Patrice Godefroid                    Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies

Synchronization Transformations for Parallel Computing
   Martin Rinard & Pedro Diniz          University of California, Santa Barbara

An Affine Transformation Algorithm to Maximize Parallelism
   Amy Lim & Monica Lam                 Stanford University

A Curry-Howard foundation for functional computaton with control
   C.-H. L. Ong & C. A. Stewart         Oxford University Computing Laboratory

The pi-calculus in direct style
   Gerard Boudol                        INRIA, Sophia Antipolis, France

Behavioral Equivalence in the Polymorphic Pi-Calculus
   Benjamin Pierce                      Indiana University
   Davide Sangiorgi                     INRIA, Sophia Antipolis, France

Comparing the Expressive Power of the Synchronous and the Asynchronous
   Catuscia Palamidessi                 DISI, Universita di Genova, Italy

Program Fragments, Linking, and Modularization
   Luca Cardelli                        Digital, SRC

Minimal Typings in Atomic Subtyping
   Jakob Rehof                          University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Typing Algorithm in Type Theory with Inheritance
   Amokrane Saibi                       INRIA Rocquencourt, France

Type-checking higher-order polymorphic multi-methods
   Francois Bourdoncle                  Ecole des Mines de Paris, France
   Stephan Merz                         Universitat Munchen, Germany

Types as Abstract Interpretations
   Patrick Cousot                       Ecole Normale Superieure, France

Infinitary Control Flow Analysis: a Collecting Semantics for Closure Analysis
   Hanne Riis Nielson & Flemming Nielson    DAIMI, Universty of Aarhus, Denmark

Automatic Verification of Parameterized Linear Networks of Processes
   David Lesens, Nicolas Halbwachs, Pascal Raymond    VERIMAG, France

On the Complexity of Escape Analysis
   Alain Deutsch                        INRIA Rocquencourt, France

A Demand-Driven Set-Based Analysis
   Sandip K. Biswas                     University of Pennsylvania

Denotational Semantics Using an Operationally-Based Term Model
   Mitchell Wand & Gregory T. Sullivan  Northeastern University

Constraints to Stop Higher-Order Deforestation
   Helmut Seidl                         Universitat Trier, Germany
   Morten H. Sorensen                   University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Reducing  Nondeterminism  while Specializing Logic Programs
   A. Pettorossi, M. Proietti & Sophie Renault
   University of Roma Tor Vergata, IASI-CNR, Italy

From SOS Rules to Proof Principles: An Operational Metatheory for
 Functional Languages
   David Sands                          Chalmers University of Technology,
Relational Parametricity and Units of Measure
   Andrew J. Kennedy                    LIX, Ecole Polytechnique, France

High Level Reading and Data Structure Compilation
   Robert Paige & Zhe Yang              New York University

Polyp --- a polytypic programming language
   Patrik Jansson & Johan Jeuring       Chalmers University of Technology and
                                        University of Goteborg, Sweden

First-class Polymorphism with Type Inference
   Mark P. Jones                        University of Nottingham, England


 ISSRE'97: The 8th Int'l Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering

                         CALL FOR PARTCIPATION

Do you have an interesting experience to share in applying Software
Reliability Engineering (SRE)? Have you made an recent research
breakthrough? Can you put together a panel discussing a topic of
interest to ISSRE attendees. Do you have a tutorial on an SRE topic?

We invite your submissions!! Please mark your calendar with the
following important dates for ISSRE'97 submissions:

        Regular Papers:
                Abstract deadline:              March 1, 1997
                Submission deadline:            April 1, 1997
                Acceptance notification:        July 7, 1997
                Camera-ready due:               September 7, 1997
        Industry Track and Panel Proposals:
                Abstracts & proposals due:      April 1, 1997

See <> for more details
on submissions or send email to for a copy. Note,
Metrics'97 will immediately follow ISSRE'97 in Albuquerque (see
<> for more information).



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          TTN Online Edition -- Mailing List Policy Statement

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------------>>>          TTN SUBMITTAL POLICY            <<<------------

The TTN On-Line Edition is E-mailed the 15th of each month to
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TTN On-Line's submittal policy is as follows:

o  Submission deadlines indicated in "Calls for Papers" should provide
   at least a 1-month lead time from the TTN On-Line issue date.  For
   example, submission deadlines for "Calls for Papers" in the January
   issue of TTN On-Line would be for February and beyond.
o  Length of submitted non-calendar items should not exceed 350 lines
   (about four pages).  Longer articles are OK and may be serialized.
o  Length of submitted calendar items should not exceed 60 lines (one
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   Inc. and may be edited for style and content as necessary.

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SCOPE and the SR logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of
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                               ## End ##