Dr. Rosenberg is the division chief of the Software Assurance Technology Office (SATO) in the Office of Systems Safety and Mission Assurance Directorate at Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), NASA. She also serves as the Software Assurance technologist for GSFC and NASA. Dr. Rosenberg is a recognized International expert in the areas of software assurance, software metrics, requirements and reliability. She serves on IEEE program committees for software reliability, software metrics, and software requirements. She has chaired sessions at many international conferences, included those sponsored by NASA and AIAA. Dr. Rosenberg also reviews papers for the Department of Defense sponsored conferences, and other industrial organizations for software quality. She has presented papers and tutorials in many areas of software assurance, including reliability, at IEEE and ACM international conferences and the International Astronautical Congress. Dr. Rosenberg is currentl!
y on the steering committee to evaluate the metrics in the IEEE 982 Reliability Standard. Dr. Rosenberg is also an adjunct professor at University of Maryland, Baltimore for the Masters/Doctoral Program.
Dr. Rosenberg holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Maryland, an M.E.S. in Computer Science from Loyola College, and a B.S. in Mathematics from Towson University. She is a member of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), the IEEE Computer Society, the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and Upsilon Pi Epsilon.