San Francisco, California,
29 May - 1 June 2001
The 14th International Internet & Software
Quality Week Technical Program is reviewed by a
distinguished International Board of Advisors listed below.
Advisory Members are chosen for their expertise in software testing and internet quality,
software quality process, and software quality issues as well as
for their contributions to the software quality field.
Quality Week seeks a balance between industrial, government, vendor, and academic backgrounds.
In view of the international aspect of the conference the Advisory Board
includes members from many countries throughout the
Papers at QW2001 are reviewed by a majority of the Advisory
Board's members.
Paper selections are based on the QW2001 Advisory
Board's technical content and presentation evaluation scores.
Click on a QW2001 board memeber's name for a brief biographical
description. Email access information and a link to each members'
personal home page is included where known.
Mr. James Bach,
Satisfice, USA
Dr. Boris Beizer,
Analysis, USA
Mr. William Bently,
Mu_Research, USA
Ms. Antonia Bertolino,
IEI/CNR, Italy/Europe
Mr. Robert Birss,
WebTV Networks, USA
Mr. Nick Borelli,
Microsoft, USA
Ms. Rita Bral,
SR/Institute, USA
(QW2001 Conference
Mr. Taz Daughtrey,
Mr. Thomas Drake,
Ms. Elizabeth Hendrickson,
QualityTree, USA
Mr. Bernard Homes,
Tessco, France/Europe
Prof. William Howden,
Dr. Cem Kaner,
Florida Institute of Technology, USA
Mr. Andre Kok,
CMG, Netherlands/Europe
Ms. Ruth Levy,
CRIM, Canada
Dr. Peter Liggesmeyer,
Hasso-Plattner-Institute for SW Sys. Eng., Germany/Europe
Mr. Glenn Meisenheimer,
Mr. Atif Memon,
University of Pittsburgh, USA
Dr. Edward Miller,
SR/Institute, USA
(QW2001 Program Chair)
Dr. Kris Mohan,
Intel Corporation, USA
Dr. John D. Musa,
Independent Consultant, USA
Mr. Jens Pas,
I2B, Belgium/Europe
Mr. Greg Pope,
TesCom, USA
Ms. Linda Rosenberg,
Mr. Stefan Steurs,
Eurocontrol, Belgium/Europe
Mr. Keith Stobie,
BEA Systems, USA
Ms. Dolores Wallace,
Wallace Systems, USA
Mr. Mark Wiley,
Prof. Denise Woit,
Ryerson Polytechnic University, Canada