Today’s competitive world demands rapid product development and deployment. While the time-to-market window is shrinking, the sheer number and complexities of Beta Tests are increasing. Beta Test environments encompassing complex, high-availability, world wide networked environments are required to test end-to-end solutions. Traditional Beta Test approaches no longer work or are not cost-effective. IBM has implemented a new approach to Beta Testing and the results have been very positive.
Ralph Dalebout has a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Utah and a MBA degree from the University of Washington.Ralph’s career with IBM spans 30 plus years. He has held a number of different positions in marketing (IBM Systems Engineer and Account Representative), product development (Product Planner), competitive analysis / market research and product test.
Ralph is currently a Beta Test Coordinator in the IBM Printing Systems Division’s Development Test and Support group. He manages hardware and software Beta Tests with customers inside and outside IBM. Ralph developed and implemented the Development Partnership Program, which is the focus of the technical paper and presentation.