QW2001 Paper 3M2

Ms. Elli Georgiadou (Middlesex University)
Ms. Naomi Barbor (University of North London)

Investigating The Applicability Of The Taguchi Method To Software Development

Key Points

Presentation Abstract

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the possibility of applying the Taguchi Method to software production. It is well recognized that we need to ensure the quality of the end product early in the software life cycle. Attempts to introduce quality at the later stages increase cost. Dr. Taguchi’s philosophy is now well practiced in the manufacturing industry. In Japan the Taguchi Method is called ‘hinshitsu kougaku’. It literally means ‘quality engineering’. The method has ensured the significant reduction of manufacturing costs together with increased product quality. In this paper we present a suite of visual representations of the major components of the Taguchi method. These visualisations aid the understanding of both the Taguchi’s philosophy and the techniques. The investigation concludes with a set of guidelines for improving software quality through statistical analysis methods, which are practiced in the Taguchi Method.

About the Author

Elli Georgiadou is a Principal Lecturer in Software Engineering at Middlesex University, London. Her teaching includes Software Metrics, Methodologies, CASE and Project Management. She is engaged in research in Software Measurement for Product and Process Improvement, Methodologies, Metamodelling and Software Quality Management. She has extensive experience in academia and industry and has been active in organising conferences and workshops under the auspices of the British Computer Society and the ACM British Chapter.