“We can’t stop to define what we’re going to do-we’re working on Internet Time”. You’ve heard that before. The push to move to the Internet or to continue your Internet business can feel overwhelming, especially when senior management is already demanding to make money with the product. Your project manager wants to know if the product is ready and when it will be released. You’d like to know what the heck you’re supposed to do, to know that you’ve done the necessary testing. If your organization is struggling and does not want to review all of the requirements in detail to get a project moving, you can create product release criteria to capture the critical requirements in a way that makes sense.
Johanna Rothman observes and consults on managing high technology product development. She works with her clients to find the leverage points that will increase their effectiveness as organizations and as managers, helping them ship the right product at the right time, and recruit and retain the best people.Johanna publishes "Reflections", an acclaimed quarterly newsletter about managing product development. Johanna's handbook, "Hiring Technical People: A Guide to Hiring the Right People for the Job," has proved a boon to perplexed managers, as have her articles in Software Development, Cutter IT, IEEE Computer, Software Testing and Quality Engineering, and IEEE Software.
Johanna is the founder and principal of Rothman Consulting Group, Inc., and is a member of the clinical faculty of The Gordon Institute at Tufts University, a practical management degree program for engineers.