"Planguage" is a new industrial engineering language, designed for planning, projects and processes. Developed by Tom Gilb and others, it is a new language for communicating about engineering and management work. Users of planguage include Intel, IBM, HP, Ericsson and Boeing.Planguage is a keyword-driven language. Simple to learn, it also prevents omission of critical information when specifying quality requirements. The resulting requirements are less ambiguous and more measurable than requirements written using other syntaxes or methods.
This paper presents Planguage keywords and syntax, and then uses actual examples from Intel to illustrate how Planguage can simplfy, clarify, and improve quality requirement specification using a "before and after" format.
Erik Simmons has 15 years experience in multiple aspects of software and quality engineering. Erik currently works as a Platform Quality Engineer within the Corporate Quality Network at Intel Corporation. He leads the corporate Software Engineering Process Team that is charged with improving software development capabilities across Intel's product development groups, and is responsible for Intel's product requirements engineering practices.