QW2001 Special Panel Session 9Q

Dr. John D. Musa - Panel Chair

How Will The Internet Affect Software Quality Practice? (Panel Discussion)

Presentation Abstract

The Internet is having dramatic effects in all areas of software development. This panel will focus on how the Internet will affect the practice of software quality. The panelists were selected to represent different backgrounds. They will outline some of their visions on the problems that will challenge us and offer some possible solutions to those problems. The panel will invite the audience to enrich the session by contributing their questions, comments, and views, to which the panelists will respond as appropriate.

About the Panel Moderator

John D. Musa is one of the creators of software reliability engineering , with more than 30 years varied and extensive experience as a software development practitioner and manager. Principal author of the highly-acclaimed pioneering book Software Reliability and author of the practical Software Reliability Engineering, Musa has published more than 100 papers on SRE. Elected IEEE Fellow in 1986 for many seminal contributions, he was recognized in 1992 as the leading contributor to testing technology. His leadership has been noted by every recent edition of Who’s Who in America and American Men and Women of Science. Musa, widely recognized as a leader in SRE practice, initiated and led the effort that convinced AT&T to make SRE a “Best Current Practice.” Musa has helped a wide variety of companies with a great diversity of software-based products deploy SRE. He is an experienced international speaker and teacher (over 200 major presentations) A founder of the IEEE Technical Committee on SRE, he is closely networked with SRE leaders, providing a broad perspective.

Panel Members

James Bach heads up Satisfice, a software testing consulting firm with a world class test lab located in rural Northern Virginia. James has extensive experience in a variety of testing situations, including for Silicon Valley startups, and larger organizations such as Microsoft, Borland, and Apple Computers.

Dr. Edward Miller is President of Software Research, Inc., San Francisco, California, where he has been involved with software test tools development and software engineering quality questions. Dr. Miller has worked in the software quality management field for 25 years in a variety of capacities, and has been involved in the development of families of automated software and analysis support tools. He was chairman of the 1985 1st International Conference on Computer Workstations, and has participated in IEEE conference organizing activities for many years. He is the author of Software Testing and Validation Techniques, an IEEE Computer Society Press tutorial text. Dr. Miller received his Ph.D. (Electrical Engineering) degree from the University of Maryland, an M.S. (Applied Mathematics) degree from the University of Colorado, and a BSEE from Iowa State University.

Johanna Rothman observes and consults on managing high technology product development. She works with her clients to find the leverage points that will increase their effectiveness as organizations and as managers, helping them ship the right product at the right time, and recruit and retain the best people. Johanna publishes "Reflections", an acclaimed quarterly newsletter about managing product development. Johanna's handbook, "Hiring Technical People: A Guide to Hiring the Right People for the Job," has proved a boon to perplexed managers, as have her articles in Software Development, Cutter IT, IEEE Computer, Software Testing and Quality Engineering, and IEEE Software. Johanna is the founder and principal of Rothman Consulting Group, Inc., and is a member of the clinical faculty of The Gordon Institute at Tufts University, a practical management degree program for engineers.