Automating Software Testing: A Life-Cycle Methodology
This tutorial outlines the Automated Test Life-cycle Methodology, a structured process for designing, developing, executing and managing testing that parallels the System Development Life-cycle. It is based on the book titled "Automated Software Testing" co-authored by the instructor and published by AWL, ISBN 0-201-43287-0. Automated Testing Life-Cycle MethodologyHow test teams introduce an automated software test tool on a new project is nearly as important as the selection of the most appropriate test tool for the project. A tool is only as good as the process being used to implement the tool. Over the last several years test teams have largely implemented automated testing tools on projects, without having a process or strategy in place describing in detail the steps involved in using the test tool productively. This approach commonly results in the development of test scripts that are not reusable, meaning that the test script serves a single test string but cannot be applied to a subsequent release of the software application. In the case of incremental software builds and as a result of software changes, these test scripts need to be recreated repeatedly and must be adjusted multiple times to accommodate minor software changes. This approach increases the testing effort and brings subsequent schedule increases and cost overruns.
The fallout from a bad experience with a test tool on a project can have a ripple effect throughout an organization. The experience may tarnish the reputation of the test group. Confidence in the tool by product and project managers may have been shaken to the point where the test team may have difficulty obtaining approval for use of a test tool on future efforts. Likewise, when budget pressures materialize, planned expenditures for test tool licenses and related tool support may be scratched.
By developing and following a strategy for rolling out and implement an automated test tool as part of the Automated Testing Life-cycle methodology, the test team can avoid having to make major unplanned adjustments throughout the test process. The tutorial "Automated Software Testing" addresses these various issues and their solutions. The ATLM describes how and where "Automated Software Testing" fits into the system development life-cycle.
Founder and President of Minjoh Technology Solutions,Inc (www.minjohtech.com), a company dedicated to providing quality Information Technology Solutions to government and commercial agencies. He has a BS degree in Computer Science and 12 years of professional software development experience. His experience extends through all phases of software development life cycle. He has been a speaker/presenter at various professional seminars and conferences.He is also a co-author of the best-selling book "Automated Software Testing", published by Addison-Wesley Pub Co; ISBN: 0201432870, July 1999. The book has been getting excellent reviews throughout the testing community (see also www.amazon.com). The book has now been translated into German and is available in German. The book is currently being translated into Japanese and should be available in Japanese middle of 2001. For other details about the book see website at www.autotestco.com.