Panel Moderator: Dr. Selim Aissi
Mr. Don Adam, Principal Security Architect, TIBCO
Mr. Dale Moberg, Chief Architect, Cyclone Commerce
Mr. Mark O'Neill, CTO, Vordel
Mr. Narendra Patil, President & CEO, InfoLead
The team of Web Services leading experts will have a discussion about QoS and Security aspects of Web Services technologies. The Panel discussion will be centered around this list of Web Services Reliability Indicators:Security Aspects (authentication, authorization, privacy, integrity) Functional, Regression, Stress, and Monitoring testing techniques XML Validity Messaging Validity (SOAP validity) and security Service Discovery Performance Web Services Availability Web Services Load-Balancing and Workload-Partitioning
Dr. Selim Aissi has been involved in the development of Safety-Critical Embedded Systems in the R&D, military, automotive, and wireless appliances for over twelve years. He worked at the University of Michigan, General Dynamics (M1A2 Abrams Battlefield Tank Division), General Motors (Embedded Controller Excellence Center), Applied Dynamics International, and Intel Corporation. Dr. Aissi has played several management and architecture roles at Intel, and he is currently a Senior Security Architect at Intel's Corporate Technology Group in Hillsboro, Oregon, USA He serves as the Intel representative to several Web Services Standards Working Groups, including the OASIS CPPA and the UDDI Technical Committees. He holds a Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Michigan.Mr. Don Adam is Principal Security Architect for TIBCO Software. In this role he has oversight for security strategy and direction in all products, services and solutions. He was previously CTO of TriStrata Inc. and Principal Architect - Security and Networks at Sun Microsystems. Prior to Sun he served in the USAF as Chief of Intelligence Systems Engineering, Pacific Air Forces and Technology Advisor - Air Force Intelligence Agency.
Mr. Dale Moberg has been involved in defining or enabling secure, distributed standards or systems for business collaboration since 1993. He has been an editor, chair or author in IETF WGs (EDIINT), RosettaNet, OASIS, ebXML Messaging, Collaboration Profile Agreement, Java Community Process JSR (JAXR and 157), and participates in several W3C working groups. Most of his activities have been concerned with integrating security standards for B2B PKI based security operations, such as digital signatures for nonrepudiation of origin and nonrepudiation of receipt. He is also interested in pragmatic approaches to getting different PKI infrastructures to work together effectively, and to manage the PKI lifecycle. He is currently chair of the OASIS ebXML Joint Committee and also chair of the Collaboration Protocol Profiles and Agreements Technical Committee. He works for Cyclone Commerce as Chief Architect. Prior to 1993, he taught in colleges or universities for 10 years, and spent 7 years as a researcher at a university (object oriented modeling, distributed simulation, and practical uses for knowledge representation).
Mr. Mark O'Neill is the CTO of Vordel, the producer of the VordelSecure product for Web Services security. Mark's security background began in academic cryptography at Trinity College Dublin's School of Mathematics, then continued at Eirtrade Services Ltd, Ireland's largest EDI value-added network, where Mark oversaw the migration of EDI services to the Internet, using crytography toolkits. Mark founded Delphium Technologies to provide security programming to blue-chip clients, and then joined Vordel in May 2000. Mark is published in XML Journal, Web Services Journal, and PriceWaterhouseCoopers Journal of Crypography, and is a frequent speaker at security and XML conferences. Mark is the author of Web Services Security, a book to be published by McGraw-Hill in late 2002.
Mr. Narendra Patil is President & CEO of Infolead, Inc. responsible for strategic management, emerging technology product offerings, product positioning, and R&D efforts. Mr. Patil is very actively involved in the product engineering efforts related to Infolead's ASQ (Automated Software Quality) tools and is the key contributor to the product architecture. Before establishing Infolead, Mr. Patil came from two premier organizations within Sun Microsystems, Inc., the JavaSoft and Developer Tools divisions, where he initiated and promoted the development of key ASQ tools, which are being used very extensively. Mr. Patil holds a BS in Computer Science from India and MBA from University of Phoenix, USA.