QW2000 Paper 2T2

Mr. James Elder & Mr. Ricard Roma i Dalfo

Object Based Machine Automation ("OSIRIS Project")


Key Points


The "OSIRIS Project" is the architecture of combining many existing tools and processes and exposing their functionality as automation objects so that they can be used in writing code to automate user scenarios or control machine configurations. These automation objects are implemented in a server-client model so that code running on a server can either control itself or one or more client machines all from a single code module. These objects include applications, machine images, snapshots, file/reg key functions as well as other system level control (reboots, auto logon, execute command, etc.). Many of these tools or processes already exist in some format, but by combining them in a common, automation object architecture, OSIRIS provides functionality and characteristics (extensibility, robustness, flexibility, etc.) unavailable in previous tools.

Author Bio...

James Elder Bio:
5-7/93 - Test Engineer Intern for United Technologies Carrier Corporation
5/95 - Graduated from the University of Arkansas with a BS degree in Computer Systems Engineering
6/95 - Hired as a Software Test Engineer in the Microsoft Excel test group
10/97 - Moved to "Release and Deployment" shared feature test team Currently working on upgrades testing for Office installations

Ricard Roma i Dal Bio:
1994-95 - Completed my 4th year in Computer Science at Trinity College of Dublin (Ireland - EUROPE)
1996 - Final year project at iMAGIS, Institut National Polytechnique of Grenoble (France - EUROPE)
1991-96 - Graduated on Computer Science Engineering by Polytechnic University of Catalunya (Catalunya - EUROPE)
1996-98 - Worked as IT Manager at Bonmacor (services company in Barcelona, Catalunya, EUROPE)
1998- Joined Release and Deployment Office group at Microsoft (Redmond, USA).
Currently working on automation solutions for the group and other groups inside Office and Microsoft.