This tutorial deals with the TPI-model, which is based on current state-of-the-art test process improvement practices. The model gives practical guidelines for assessing the maturity level of testing in an organisation and for step by step improvement of the process. Since the appearance of the book "Test Process Improvement: a practical step-by-step guide to structured testing" (by Tim Koomen and Martin Pol) in May æ99, the model is rapidly becoming an international standard for improving test processes, used in numerous countries like the United States, most European Community countries, Australia, South Africa, Mexico, Columbia, China and India. The model is frequently used to help an organisation meet the test requirements at CMM level 3.Also included in the tutorial is a general description of the application of model, which deals with how to implement and how to consolidate the improvements.
Graduated in 1987 in Informatica at the University of Amsterdam, Tim Koomen is since 1991 a professional tester. He participated in several testing projects for clients of IQUIP Informatica in the Netherlands, a company with over 300 dedicated testers. Tim is a member of the R&D-team, covering issues like E-commerce, ERP, testfactories and TPI. Currently he is advising organisations how to improve their testing processes, using the presented model. He is the co-author of the TPI-book, translated in Dutch, English and German, and regularly presents at conferences (Eurostar '97: tutorial TPI, Eurostar '98: track presentation TPI, Quality Week Europe Æ99: TPI tutorial and two presentations, Eurostar Æ99: discussion session and presentation) and training sessions throughout Europe.Rob Baarda is an information systems professional for more than 20 years, following the path from programmer to consultant. Since 1986 he specialised in the field of testing. Starting with developing automated tests, Rob moved after a few years to the methodology of testing. He is now part-time researching various test subjects in the R&D department of IQUIP, besides working as an international test consultant and teaching TMap½ and TPI½. He also presented in QWE'99 about Risk Based Test Strategy.