The 11th International Software Quality Week Technical Program is reviewed by a distinguished International Board of Advisors listed below.
Advisory Members are chosen for their expertise in software testing and software quality issues and for their contributions to the software quality field. Quality Week seeks a balance between industrial, government, and academic backgrounds. In view of the international aspect of the conference has included members from many countries throughout the world.
All papers at QW98 are reviewed by a majority of the Advisory Board's members. Paper selections are based on QW98 Advisory Board technical content and presentation evaluation scores.
A brief biographical sketch of
each Advisory Board member is also given.
Email access or reference to each Advisory Board Member's home page
(when available) is also given.
Updated 13 April 1998.
Mr. James Bach, SmartPatents, USA
Dr. Boris Beizer, Analysis, USA (Technology Track Chair)
Prof. Fevzi Belli, University of Paderborn, GERMANY
Mr. William Bently Independent Consultant, USA (Applications Track Chair)
Dr. Antonia Bertolino, CNR-IEI, ITALY
Mr. Robert Binder, RBSC Corporation, USA (Management Track Chair)
Mr. Robert Birss, Intuit Corporation, USA
Ms. Rita Bral, SR/Institute, USA (QW'98 Conference Director)
Mr. Dirk Craeynest, OFFIS nv/sa & K.U.Leuven, BELGIUM
Mr. Greg Daich, USAF Software Technology Support Center, USA
Ms. Sylvia Daiqui, DLR - Oberpfaffenhofen, GERMANY
Mr. Thomas Drake, Coastal Research & Technology, Inc., USA(Quick-Start Track Chair)
Mr. Danny R. Faught, HP, USA (Birds-Of-A-Feather Co-Chair)
Dr. Istvan Forgacs, Hungarian Academy of Science, HUNGARY
Prof. Dick Hamlet, Portland State, USA
Prof. William Howden, University of California, San Diego, USA
Prof. Luqi, NPGS, Monterrey, USA
Mr. Brian Marick, Testing Foundations, Inc. USA (Birds-Of-A-Feather Co-Chair)
Dr. Edward Miller, Software Research, Inc., USA(Program Chair)
Dr. John D. Musa, Independent Consultant, USA
Prof. Leon Osterweil, University of Massachusetts, USA
Prof. Axel van Lamsweerde, Universite Catholique de Louvain (UCL), BELGIUM
Dr. Otto Vinter, Software Engineering Consultant, DENMARK (Tools & Solutions Track Chair)
Dr. Tony Wasserman, Software Methods & Tools, USA
Here are brief biographical descriptions of each QW'98 Advisory Board member. Email access information and a hotlink to each members personal home page is included where known.
James Bach has been a frequent speaker and writer on the subject of software quality assurance and development processes. In his fifteen years in Silicon Valley-style software companies, including eight years at Apple Computer and Borland International, he's been a programmer, tester, QA manager, and roving problem-solver. For the most of the last 3 years, James has been Chief Scientist at ST Labs, an independent software testing company in Seattle, but now he's back in the Bay Area, managing testing, technical support, and software configuration management at SmartPatents, Inc. James edits the "Software Realities" department of IEEE Computer magazine, he was on the ASQ committee that put together the Body of Knowledge outline for the Certified Software Quality Engineer program, and he is a pioneer in the emerging discipline of "good enough" software.
Dr. Boris Beizer received a PhD in computer science from the University of Pennsylvania in 1966. He has written twelve books, ranging from system architecture to his well-known pair on software testing -- Software Testing Techniques and Software System Testing and Quality Assurance -- both considered standard references on the subject. His latest book is Black Box Testing, an introduction to testing technology. He directed testing for the FAA's Weather Message Switching Center and several other large communications systems. He has been a speaker at many testing conferences and is also known for his seminars on testing. He consults on software testing and quality assurance with many organizations throughout the world.
F. Belli: M.s., Ph.D., habilitation at the Technical Univ. of Berlin (Computer Science). Present position: Professor at the Univ. of Paderborn, Dept. Electrical and Electronics Engineering. System analyst with the GMD (German Research Institute for EDP) in Bonn and software engineer with a software house in Munich (about ten years) before becoming a full professor for programming and software engineering. Faculty member until 1990 of the Univ. of Maryland, European Division. Major interests: Handling software faults thru constructive methods, testing, fault tolerance, etc. Author of approx. 100 papers published in international technical/scientific journals, conference proceedings, etc. and 6 text books. Editor of the series "Constructing Complex Programs", published by an international publisher. Consultant with several companies, including in-house seminars on software validation, software construction, etc. Program chair, general chair of several international conferences on software fault tolerance, software reliability, etc. Member of the Presidium (exec. board) of the German Association for Informatics until 1995. Member of technical scientific advisory board of several companies.
William Bently is a software developer and software testing researcher. As a practitioner, he has most recently worked for companies such as the Bayer Corporation and the Upjohn Company developing high reliability software for biomedical applications. As a researcher, he has written several papers on a novel theoretical approach to software testing: the theory of dynamic information flow testing (Cd testing). He is currently investigating the application of this theory to the testing of Java objects and components (JavaBeans). William has served on the Quality Week Board of Advisors since 1992. He has a B.A. in Mathematics from Oberlin College and an M.S. in Biology from Ball State University.
Antonia Bertolino graduated cum laude in Electronic Engineering at the University of Pisa in 1985. Since 1986 she has been a researcher with the "Istituto di Elaborazione della Informazione" of the Italian National Research Council (CNR), in Pisa. Her research interests are in software engineering and dependability. Currently she is working at approaches for estimating and reducing the cost of debug testing techniques and at methods for the evaluation of software reliability. She is an associate editor of the Journal of Systems and Software.
Robert V. Binder has over 22 years of software development experience. He is President of RBSC Corporation, providing consulting and training in software engineering and software process improvement since 1984. He is author of "Application Debugging" (Prentice-Hall, 1985). "Testing Object-Oriented Systems" is under contract with Addison-Wesley. He writes a regular column on testing for Object magazine. His articles have appeared in American Programmer, Communications of the ACM, Computerworld, CASE Outlook, CASE Trends, Database Programming and Design, IEEE Computer, Journal of Knowledge Engineering, Journal of Software Testing, Verification, and Reliability, and Software Development. He is the of Chair a newly formed study group to develop an IEEE standard for built-in test for object-oriented software. Mr. Binder has an MS in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the University of Illinois at Chicago, and a BA and MBA from the University of Chicago. He is an IEEE Senior Member, a member of the ACM, and holds the CDP and CCP.
Bob Birss is Manager of Data Center Services for Intuit's San Deigo Data Center, responsible for processes, QA, and information services. Previously, he was Manager of Quality Engineering for the Open Financial Exchange on-line banking project at Intuit. He has held a variety of software quality positions since 1980 at such companies as Sun Microsystems, AT&T, and NCR. Bob has been a member of the Quality Week Advisory Board since 1993. He holds a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from the University of Iowa.
Rita Bral is Executive Director of SR/Institute, the sponsor of the Quality Week conferences, and VP/Promotion at Software Research, SR/Institute's parent company, a role she has fulfilled since 1990. At SR she has been responsible for SR's promotion effort, for technical seminars, publicity, and trade-show activities, and has had major impact on TestWorks documentation and collateral technical material. Ms. Bral holds an Agrege in Pedagogy, University of Ghent and Licentiaat in Roman Philology, University of Ghent, Belgium.
(Biographical Sketch To Be Supplied)
Mr. Gregory T. Daich is a Senior Software Engineer with Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) on contract with the Software Technology Support Center (STSC). Mr. Daich supports STSC's Software Quality and Test (SQT) Group with over 21 years of experience in developing and testing software. He has taught over 40 test and inspection process improvement seminars in the last 4 years. Mr. Daich consults with government and commercial organizations on improving the effectiveness and efficiency of software quality practices. These practices have been applied in supporting and testing Year 2000 upgrades which is where he focuses most of his time, lately.
Mr. Daich has applications experience involving the development of:
- Real-time and post-flight data recording and retrieval subsystems for the F-111 and F-16 simulation test stations
- Test support tools such as near real-time simulators and non-real-time computer emulators and other test support tools (comparators, coverage and call structure analyzers, documenters) for Minuteman Operational Ground Program (OGP) software test stations
- A unique consulting approach that coordinates formal software inspections with analysis of test work products to identify opportunities for process improvement
- Numerous business and scientific database applications.
- Conversion and testing year 2000 systems upgrades.
(Biographical Sketch To Be Supplied)
Mr. Drake is a software quality specialist and management and information technology consultant for Coastal Research & Technology, Inc. in the United States. He currently leads and manages a U.S. government agency-level Software Engineering Knowledge Based Center's software quality engineering initiative. As part of an industry and government outreach/partnership program, he holds frequent seminars and tutorials covering code analysis, software metrics, OO analysis for C++ and Java, coding practice, testing, best current practices in software development, the business case for software engineering, software quality engineering, project management, organizational dynamics and change management, and the people side of information technology.
Mr. Drake has personally measured and analyzed over 80,000,000 lines of Java, C++, C, Ada, Fortran, PL/I, and Assembly code plus others. Over the past several years, some very interesting patterns have emerged. The result of all the analysis is a highly correlated set of measures that have been developed into a streamlined set of code-level release criteria. This data is then combined with defect density information derived from dynamic testing data from each "phase" or milestone of the development life cycle as a feedback loop for making informed business decisions to improve the quality of the software over time via the process by which the development project is delivered.
Mr. Drake has spoken at several international conferences and frequently conducts interactive and facilitated educational and general interest seminars on the people, process and technology sides of software development and enterprise-level information management systems.
He considers himself a quality advocate and a digital archaeologist.
He supports the "weak-link" theory of software development and the use of software entropy principles as a risk identifier for generating higher quality software-based information technology systems.
He is also involved in Y2K contingency planning and related business enterprise and mission continuity support.
He is currently focused on the development and use of product-level and reflected process-level OO metrics for C++ and Java.
He is the principal author of a chapter on "Metrics Used for Object-Oriented Software Quality" for a CRC Press Object Technology Handbook published in December of 1998.
In addition, Mr. Drake is the author of a theme article entitled: "Measuring Software Quality: A Case Study" published in the November 1996 issue of IEEE Computer.
Mr. Drake is listed with the International Who's Who for Information Technology for 1999.
Mr. Drake is a member of IEEE and an affiliate member of the IEEE Computer Society.
Danny R. Faught serves as Technical Lead of the Integration, Test, and Delivery Team within Hewlett-Packard's Enterprise Systems Group where he is responsible for the test architecture for parallel supercomputer operating systems. He is the creator and maintainer of the comp.software.testing FAQ, co-founder of the swtest-discuss mailing list, and founder of a corporate-wide software testers' mailing list at HP. Mr. Faught is a member of the American Society for Quality and IEEE. He graduated from the University of North Texas with a bachelor's degree in Computer Science in 1992.
Istvan Forgacs received the M. S. degree in electrical engineering from Budapest Technical University in 1980. His research interests include program testing and maintenance, debugging and flow analysis. He has published about 20 technical articles. Now he is a senior research associate of the Information Research Group, Hungarian Academy of Sciences. He received the Ph.D. degree in computer science in 1993.
Dick Hamlet is Professor of Computer Science at Portland State University. He has worked as an operating-systems programmer and systems-programming manager for a commercial service bureau and for a university data-processing center. He was a member of the software engineering research group at the University of Maryland for 12 years, and a visiting lecturer at University of Melbourne in 1982. He has been actively involved in theoretical program-testing research and in building testing tools for more than 20 years. He is the author of two textbooks and about 50 refereed conference and journal publications. Currently he is investigating the theoretical foundations of testing.
(Click here for Prof. Hamlet's Home Page)
Dr. Howden is a professor of Computer Science at the University of California at San Diego. He has worked in the area of program testing and analysis since 1975, with the publication of his paper on symbolic evaluation and automated test data generation. His work in the area includes material on fault based testing methods, functional testing, and the use of comments in systematic program analysis. His recent work includes the development of analysis tools for a real time and Ada programs. His book, Functional Analysis and Program Testing, emphasized the use of broad spectrum functional testing, in which tests are used that exercise each of the functional components of a program, including those from specifications and design. He has also done an analysis of statistical testing methods, and published work on models which describe how methods combine to produce a cumulative improvement in fault detection and reliability prediction.
Luqi was born on May 4, 1949, grew up in Shanghai, China, and in 1965 went to the high school branch of Jiao Tong University. During the Cultural Revolution of the late sixties, she worked on farms in the suburbs of Shanghai and later near the confluence of the Songhua and Mudan rivers in northeastern Manchuria. There she also taught in primary through high schools, and studied calculus under a professor who had tutored the last Emperor of China. In 1972 she went to Jilin University, and graduated in 1975 with a B.S. in mathematics.
She then moved to Beijing, where until 1979 she worked for two Physics Institutes in the Chinese Academy of Sciences, on earthquake data, on approximate solutions to the Ising model, and on numerical computations for a variety of physics problems. She co-authored a book on programming, and wrote a two volume mathematical and numerical methods software library. In 1979 she entered graduate school in numerical analysis, while working for the United Nations Economics Information Processing Center.
In 1980 she received a United Nations Fellowship to study in the United States and became a graduate student in computer science at the University of Minnesota, where she worked as a Graduate Assistant, as well as at the University Computer Center, on software development and maintenance. She received a Chinese American Association of Minnesota Scholarship and University of Minnesota Regents Scholarships from 1981 to 1983. She worked on the boundary layer transition problem and obtained an M.S. degree in 1984. After that, she worked for the University of Maryland and for International Software Systems, Inc., on software design and executable prototyping languages. She completed a dissertation on computer-aided prototyping of large software systems, received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Minnesota in 1986, and taught as an Adjunct Professor there.
Later that year she moved to Monterey, California and joined the Computer Science Department at the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) as Assistant Professor. In 1987, she received an NSF Engineering Initiation Award, and worked on software engineering, particularly computer-aided prototyping. In 1990 she received an NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award, an NPS Research Award, and became an Associate Professor. At NPS she received the Menneken Faculty Award for Excellence in Scientific Research in 1991, and Research Awards in 1992 and 1995. Her research received strong support from computer scientists around the world, from the Army Research Office, and from many agencies and computer companies.
Dr. Luqi has been Professor of Computer Science since 1995 at NPS, where she chairs the Software Engineering program and leads a team producing highly automated software tools, including CAPS (Computer-Aided Prototyping System, released to the public in 1994). Luqi has authored more than 30 journal papers, more than 60 conference papers, contributed to more than 10 books, supervised more than 80 graduate theses, and headed more than 50 software R&D projects. Her research on computer aided software development has integrated advances in databases, translation, graphical interfaces, scheduling algorithms, language semantics, real-time system modeling, software evolution modeling, and automated search for components in software libraries. In addition to chairing or serving on the program committees of more than 40 conferences, she is or has been an Associate Editor for IEEE Expert, IEEE Software, the Journal of Systems Integration, and Design and Process World. She is a Senior Member of IEEE.
Brian Marick worked for eleven years as a tester, developer, and line manager, mostly on operating systems and compilers. Joint research at the University of Illinois led to internal consulting and then, in 1992, his own consulting business, Testing Foundations. Because practitioners are justifiably suspicious of those who talk about software development but never actually do any, he tries to spend half his time building, testing, and maintaining tools, some freely available. Marick is the author of the widely acclaimed The Craft of Software Testing (Prentice Hall, 1995).
(Brian Marick's Home Page)
Dr. Edward Miller is President of Software Research, Inc., San Francisco, California, where he has been involved with software test tools development and software engineering quality questions. Dr. Miller has worked in the software quality management field for 25 years in a variety of capacities, and has been involved in the development of families of automated software and analysis support tools. He was chairman of the 1985 1st International Conference on Computer Workstations, and has participated in IEEE conference organizing activities for many years. He is the author of Software Testing and Validation Techniques, an IEEE Computer Society Press tutorial text. Dr. Miller received his Ph.D. (Electrical Engineering) degree from the University of Maryland, an M.S. (Applied Mathematics) degree from the University of Colorado, and a BSEE from Iowa State University.
John D. Musa is an independent consultant. He gives courses in software reliability engineering on a world wide basis. He has extensive experience as a software developer and manager. He has 21 years experience in software reliability engineering as one of the creators and leaders of the field, and was elected Fellow of the IEEE for his contributions. He has published over 80 papers and is principal author of the widely acclaimed pioneering book "Software Reliability: Measurement, Prediction, Application." He organized and led the transfer of software reliability engineering into practice within AT&T.
(John Musa's Home Page)
Leon Osterweil is currently a professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Previously he had been a Professor in, and Chair of, Computer Science Departments at both the University of California, Irvine, and University of Colorado, Boulder. He was the founding Director of the Southern California SPIN. He has been Program Committee Chair of the 16th International Conference on Software Engineering, the 2nd Symposium on Software Testing Analysis and Verification, the 4th International Conference on the Software Process, and the 2nd Symposium on Practical Software Development Environments. He has also presented keynote talks at such meetings as CASE 92 in Montreal, and the Ninth International Conference on Software Engineering where he introduced the concept of Process Programming. He has consulted for such companies as IBM, Bell Laboratories, SAIC, MCC, and TRW, and is a member of SEI's Process Program Advisory Board.
Prof. van Lamsweerde's general interests are at the intersection of Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence. The general objective of his work is to develop usable languages, methods, and tools for assisting software engineers in the complex, knowledge-intensive tasks they face. That requires specific techniques for representing knowledge about software engineering products and processes, and as well for reasoning formally about them.
(Prof. van Lamsweerde's Home Page)
Otto Vinter received his Masters Degree in Computer Science from the Danish Technical University in 1968. He has given public seminars, been associate teacher for BSc. level education in Computer Science, and is a active participant in Danish software-knowledge exchange groups. He is currently responsible for CEC sponsored projects at Bruel & Kjaer to improve the development process. In this position, he has also been active in defining software engineering standards, procedures, and methods to be employed at Bruel & Kjaer. He has been the driving force in the company's transition from procedural programming to Object-Oriented development. He has managed software development projects for 25+ years; with Bruel & kjaer from 1986, before that with the Danish branch of Control Data Corporation, and with Regnecentralen.
(Dr. Otto Vinter's Home Page)
Anthony I. Wasserman is President of Software Methods & Tools, which provides software development products and services. He was previously Founder and Chairman of IDE, which built the Software through Pictures modeling environment. Prior to that, Dr. Wasserman was a University of California professor, and has been a Visiting Professor at the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, and the University of Geneva. Tony has made numerous contributions to software engineering research, including pioneering work in rapid prototyping of interactive information systems and software engineering environments. He has a Ph.D. in Computer Sciences from the University of Wisconsin - Madison, USA. He is among the few people to be elected as a Fellow of both the Association for Computing and the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.