QWE2002 Paper 1A

Mr. Jon Maurolagoitia & Aitor Elorriaga
(SQS S.A., Spain)

QA Success Story for Embedded Systems in Real Time Control Systems

Key Points

Presentation Abstract

This project is a success story, which managed to introduce a validation methodology in a mature and traditional industrial hardware manufacturer company, setting up a quality assurance department within that company organization. This department kept independent from the development team and was leaded by a quality mentor.

About the Author

Jon Maurolagoitia
    Studies: Computer Engineer, University of Deusto, Spain

    Work Experience:

        -Working for SQS S.A., Spain as responsible for:
            -Test Management in Embedded Software Systems
            -R&D Project evaluation

        -Working for Phillips Speech Processing, Austria as responsible for:
            -GUI Testing
            -Language testing

        -Other work experience
            -Web Site Designer and Programmer

Aitor Elorriaga

    Studies: Computer Engineer, University of Deusto, Spain

    Work Experience:

        -Working for SQS S.A., Spain as responsible for:
            -Test Management in Embedded Software Systems
            -R&D Project evaluation
        -Working at CARSA, writting, coordinating and participating in several European and national R&D projects on IT: Elaboration of Explotation Plans, Dissemination Plans, Validation Plans...
        -Working at NorSISTEMAS as Systems’ Analyst in a Human Resources Management System and a Project Management System.