Today's dynamic Web sites are sophisticated n-tier software applications with Web interfaces. Because dynamic Web sites involve extensive programming, developers of these Web sites need to apply their standard testing procedures in their Web development. In this session, we will discuss how to use the following techniques for testing Web applications.
--Using White box testing to test the site's construction. White box testing in software development involves calling every method or class. In Web development, this involves testing every static and dynamic page for coding errors and li nk errors.
--Using Black box testing to test the site's functionality. Black-box testing helps ensure that a program the way it was intended to function. In dynamic Web sites, the states of pages are constantly changing depending on how a user visits a site.
--Using Web-box testing, a method of testing one dynamic page at a time, to test at the program level as well as the output level (script and HTML page). Using Web-box testing, will help you expose core dumps, uncaught exceptions, or any ot her problems with code.
--Using Regression testing to uncover errors made during code modifications. Developers use regression testing to help ensure any changes made to code does not cause any other errors. In Web development, regression testing also helps ensure that code changes do not cause any other problems.
Attendees will learn the following from the presentation:
--How Web developers and software development are similar
--Software development practices that Web developers can borrow
--Techniques for effectively and efficiently testing Web site pages
--Techniques for effectively and efficiently testing software programs that generate dynamic pages
Adam Kolawa is the CEO of ParaSoft Corporation, a leading provider of software productivity solutions. Dr. Kolawa holds a Ph.D. in theoretical physics from the California Institute of Technology. Dr. Kolawa has extensive experience in both programming and managing programmers. He has written several successful commercial software products, and has headed the development of a large number and variety of software projects, including software development tools, retail solutions, Web development and management tools, data mining tools and more. Heading a company that sells products to programmers and managers has given Dr. Kolawa the unique opportunity to interact with software developers and managers at mutiple levels. Dr. Kolawa established his ability to clearly communicate the expertise he has gained from his education and experience in the many papers on physics and computer science that appeared in such publications as the Caltech Concurrent Computing Project Memo and the Proceedings of the Hypercube Conference. Two of Dr. Kolawa's papers are included in Parallel Computing Works!. Ed. Geoffrey Fox. Dr. Kolawa has spoken at many conferences including STAR East '99, JavaOne, Linux Expo, Sigs Conference for Java, Software Development East, SGI Expo, Quality Week, IEEE conferences and has also conducted national seminars on Strategies for Effective Software Development.