QWE2000 Vendor Technical Presentation VT10

Edward Miller [USA]

The Argument for Client-Side Testing

Key Points

The Web is a complex place. There is much that is very importnat that can go wrong. What really counts in terms of quality is how users perceive a site. Because the client view is all-important, eValid's approach to WebSite testing is through a Test Enabled Web Browser.

This presentation outlines the reasons why the client-side view is important, and describes how a Test Enabled Web Browser can help sort out the WebSite quality issue.

About the Speaker

Dr. Edward Miller is President of Software Research, Inc., San Francisco, California, where he has been involved with software test tools development and software engineering quality questions. Dr. Miller has worked in the software quality management field for 25 years in a variety of capacities, and has been involved in the development of families of automated software and analysis support tools.

He was chairman of the 1985 1st International Conference on Computer Workstations, and has participated in IEEE conference organizing activities for many years. He is the author of Software Testing and Validation Techniques, an IEEE Computer Society Press tutorial text. Dr. Miller received his Ph.D. (Electrical Engineering) degree from the University of Maryland, an M.S. (Applied Mathematics) degree from the University of Colorado, and a BSEE from Iowa State University.