Quality Week 2000 (QW2000) is run by Software Research Institute (SR/Institute), a not-for-profit subsidiary of Software Research, Inc. Organizations which have agreed to be sponsors of the QW2000 event are given below.The QW2000 event is organized and presented in cooperation with a number of other organizations whose support is also acknowledged below.
The ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) has approved Quality Week 2000 as an event presented in cooperation with the ACM. ACM members receive a 10% discount when they register for QW2000 using their ACM Membership Number.
ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery, is an international scientific and educational organization dedicated to advancing the arts, sciences, and application of information technology. With a worldwide membership of 80,000, ACM functions as a locus for various fields of Information Technology.
Membership benefits include a subscription to Communications of the ACM, discounts on conferences and publications, 36 special interest groups and the new ACM Digital Library. The Digital Library includes unlimited access to 22 ACM publications and archives, 6 years of conference proceedings and over 100,000 pages of text, with full searching capabilities.
For more information visit our website at: http://www.acm.org or contact ACM directly at: 1 (800) 342-6626 (U.S.A. & Canada) or 1 (212) 626-0500 (anywhere), by fax at: 1 (212) 944-1318, email: acmhelp@acm.org, or by writing to ACM, Member Services Department, P.O. Box 11315, New York, NY 10286-1315.
ACM SIGSOFT focuses on issues relating to all aspects of software engineering, providing a forum for computing professionals from industry, government and academia to examine principles, practices, education, and new research results in software engineering. In addition to ICSE, SIGSOFT sponsors the Foundations of Software Engineering conference and a variety of one-time and on-going workshops hat bring practitioners, researchers, and educators together to discuss and debate timely issues. SIGSOFT publishes a bimonthly newsletter, Software Engineering Notes, which includes articles submitted by members as well as the popular forum "Risks to the Public", which describes software safety mishaps and concerns. ( http://www.acm.org/sigsoft).
The American Society for Quality is a membership organization dedicated to promoting the principles and practices of quality improvement, with a mission to "be recognized throughout the world as the leading authority on, and champion for, quality." The ASQ Software Division, which represents over 5000 professionals worldwide, is dedicated to "improve the ability of individuals and organizations to satisfy their customers with quality software products and services through education, communication, research, outreach, and professional development. ( http://www.asq.org)
Software Research, Inc. (SR) offers the TestWorks suite of software test tools that include regression and coverage testing support for Web, UNIX and Windows, in use by thousands of locations worldwide. SR's active program of new-product development includes current applications in Web Testing, Client/Server Testing, Application Testing (including embedded testing and remote testing) Technology. SR publishes the widely subscribed Quality Techniques Newsletter (QTN) (Current Issue), a Email monthly technology newsletter. Subscriptions to QTN are FREE.
GOLD SPONSORS Microsoft Corporation Founded in 1975, Microsoft (Nasdaq "MSFT") is the worldwide leader in software for personal and business computing. The company offers a wide range of products and services designed to empower people through great software -- any time, any place and on any device.
Rational Software Corporation, the e-development company, helps organizations develop and deploy software for the Internet through a combination of tools, services and software engineering best practices. Rational's e-development solution helps organizations overcome the e-software paradox by accelerating time to market while improving quality. In 1999, International Data Corporation recognized Rational as the leader in multiple segments of the software development life cycle management market.
ZD Labs leads the industry in Internet and technology testing. Building on Ziff-Davis Publishing's history of leadership in product reviews and benchmark development, ZD Labs brings independent testing, research, development, and analysis directly to publications, Web sites, vendors, and large IT organizations everywhere.
COMPUWARE Corporation Compuware Corporation is a leading worldwide provider of software products and professional services. Compuware productivity solutions help 14,000 of the world's largest corporations more efficiently maintain and enhance their most critical business applications. Providing immediate and measurable return on information technology investments, Compuware products and services improve quality, lower costs and increase the speed at which systems can be developed, implemented and supported. Compuware employs more than 11,000 information technology professionals worldwide, including more than 6,600 in its professional services organization.
NTS-XXCAL NTS-XXCAL is the oldest and largest testing laboratory of its kind, having tested Software & Hardware since 1982, environmental testing since 1961. Lab locations are in Los Angeles, London and Japan. NTS is an "NRTL" Certified (Nationally Recognized Test Lab) -- A U.S. Government Recognized Lab. NTS-XXCAL tests Software, Hardware & Peripherals. Decrease your time-to-market! We help you validate the integrity of your product by covering your target market thus leaving your valuable development resources free to work on your new products. This makes our testing service extremely cost effective!
Vanteon: Revenue Engineering for the Digital Evolution Vanteon is the premier resource chosen by market leaders looking for world class Quality Assurance, eBusiness, Commercial Software, Hardware and Embedded Solutions. With development centers nationwide and over 400 software and hardware engineers, QA specialists and eBusiness professionals, Vanteon helps clients generate revenue and value from the products, services and systems they sell, while consistenly maintaining the highest levels of quality and partnership satisfaction.
Golden Leaf Sponsors Special thanks to our Golden Leaf Sponsors:
Software Emancipation Technology
Software Development Magazine, published by Miller Freeman Inc., is the leading trade publication covering the people, products, and practices of corporate development. Software Development magazine provides practical solutions for technical team leads and project managers leading corporate application development projects. Editorial features strategies and solutions for evaluating and implementing development tools and solutions for evaluating and implementing development tools and technologies, software engineering and quality assurance practices, project and people management strategies, process improvement, as well as tips on Software Development magazine go to: http://www.sdmagazine.com.
Cutter Consortium, LLC helps organizations leverage IT for competitive advantage and business success. Cutter Consortium offers high-level advisory and publication services, journals, online resource centers, on-site assessments, consulting, and training to help organizations forge solutions to the IT challenges they face. What is unique about the Consortium is that its products and services are provided by the top thinkers in IT today -- a distinguished group of internationally recognized experts committed to providing top-level, critical, objective advice.
Software Business (description to be supplied).
Software Research Institute (SR/Institute), a not-for-profit subsidiary of Software Research, Inc., was founded to promote the issues of Software Quality throughout the software development community.
In addition to the Quality Week Conference series SR/Institute sponsors continuing education seminars in the general area of software quality and software engineering, and Software Quality Forums at which software quality industry leaders provide state of the art technology transfer to industry executives about how to best apply current technology to immediate software quality needs.