The 3rd International Software Quality Week/Europe Technical Program is reviewed by a distinguished International Board of Advisors listed below.
Advisory Board Members are chosen for their expertise in software testing, software quality process, and software quality issues and generally for their contributions to the software quality field. Quality Week seeks a balance between industrial, government, vendor, and academic backgrounds. In view of the international aspect of the conference the Advisory Board includes members from many countries throughout the world.
Here are brief biographical descriptions of each QWE'99 Advisory Board member. Email access information and a hotlink to each members personal home page is included where known.
Walter Baziuk earned a BASc. degree in Electrical Engineering with a minor in Computer Science from the University of Waterloo in 1983 and Professional Engineering certification in 1986. The last 15 years he has worked at Mitel, BNR, Nortel and recently Nortel Networks. During this period, Walter has worked in different positions ranging from design through to project office on five complete end-to-end lifecycles on released products.
This experience has led Walter to his current position where he works in a corporate group that proactively engages and works with all of Nortel's Business Units to enhance their products' reliability and quality, time to market and customers' satisfaction.
Recently, Walter was on the Advisory Board as well as the Technology Track Chair for QW'99 (12th International Software Quality Week) San Jose, USA. Last fall, Walter was an invited dinner speaker and the Tools & Exhibition chair for ISSRE'98 (9th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering) in Paderborn, Germany. Walter was the Program Chair for SRE98 (Software Reliability Engineering), a joint Nortel & AT&T sponsored conference in Ottawa, Canada.
Dr. Boris Beizer received a PhD in computer science from the University of Pennsylvania in 1966. He has written twelve books, ranging from system architecture to his well-known pair on software testing -- Software Testing Techniques and Software System Testing and Quality Assurance -- both considered standard references on the subject. His latest book is Black Box Testing, an introduction to testing technology. He directed testing for the FAA's Weather Message Switching Center and several other large communications systems. He has been a speaker at many testing conferences and is also known for his seminars on testing. He consults on software testing and quality assurance with many organizations throughout the world.
William Bently is a software developer and software testing researcher. As a practitioner, he has most recently worked for companies such as the Bayer Corporation and the Upjohn Company developing high reliability software for biomedical applications. As a researcher, he has written several papers on a novel theoretical approach to software testing: the theory of dynamic information flow testing (Cd testing). He is currently investigating the application of this theory to the testing of Java objects and components (JavaBeans). William has served on the Quality Week Board of Advisors since 1992. He has a B.A. in Mathematics from Oberlin College and an M.S. in Biology from Ball State University.
Gilles Bernot is Full Professor of Software Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Evry, France. Currently head of the research team on ``Formal Specifications and Program Transformations'' in this University (created in 1992, 12 researchers).
He studied Mathematics at the University of Orsay, Paris 11, until 1984, and then studied Computer Sciences until his PhD in 1986. He has been researcher at LRI (Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique) in Orsay during the year 1986-1987, working on the ESPRIT BRA METEOR. From 1987 to 1992 he worked as Maitre-de-Conferences at the Ecole Normale Superieure of Paris (ENS Ulm). During this time he was member of the research teams on Formal Programming Languages (CAML) at ENS Ulm, and on Programming and Software Engineering at LRI. He got his habilitation in January 1992 at the University of Paris 11, and became Full Professor at the University of Evry in September 1992.
Gilles Bernot is currently a member of the management team of the French national ``GDR de programmation'' and has been and is still involved in many European ESPRIT projects about formal specifications of software and hardware. He is involved in several French industrial projects using formal specifications of hardware or software systems. He also heads a subgroup on "testing software features" in the ESPRIT Working Group FIREworks.
He has published approximately forty scientific articles in the areas of algebraic geometry, software engineering, software testing from formal specifications, formal specifications and specification methods.
Antonia Bertolino graduated cum laude in Electronic Engineering at the University of Pisa in 1985. Since 1986 she has been a researcher with the "Istituto di Elaborazione della Informazione" of the Italian National Research Council (CNR), in Pisa. Her research interests are in software engineering and dependability. Currently she is working at approaches for estimating and reducing the cost of debug testing techniques and at methods for the evaluation of software reliability. She is an associate editor of the Journal of Systems and Software.
Dr. Juris Borzovs Born in 1950 in Finland. Cand.comp.sci. from Inst. Math., Academy of Science of Belarus in 1989, Dr.sc.comp. and Dr.habilitus sc.comp. from Univ. of Latvia in 1992 and 1999. Currently Director of Riga Information Technology Institute and Head of its Software Testing Lab, Docent (CS and SE) with Univ. of Latvia and Riga Techn. Univ., Latvia. Over 100 technical papers in software testing and software engineering. Member IEEE, IFAC, ISACA, balloter for SE standards with Computer Society, IEEE, vice president of Latvian National IT Standardization TC, founder and president of Latvia chapter, Information Systems Audit and Control Association, vice president of Latvian IT Terminology Commission, member of Task Force for Latvian National Programme on IT.
Rita Bral is Executive Director of SR/Institute, the sponsor of the Quality Week conferences, and VP/Promotion at Software Research, SR/Institute's parent company, a role she has fulfilled since 1990. At SR she has been responsible for SR's promotion effort, for technical seminars, publicity, and trade-show activities, and has had major impact on TestWorks documentation and collateral technical material. Ms. Bral holds an Agrege in Pedagogy, University of Ghent and Licentiaat in Roman Philology, University of Ghent, Belgium.
Bart studied physics in Utrecht in the Netherlands. He started his career in IT at Philips Telecommunications & Data Systems, where he gained experience in programming, testing and quality assurance. Five years later he joined the software company IQUIP Informatica B.V. where he fulfilled assignments ranging from test consultancy to organising and managing large test projects. He aided in developing the structured test approach approach TMap, a de facto standard in the Benelux, and has implemented this in numerous organisations which have profited from his now more than 13 years testing experience.
At this moment he is a member of the R&D department of IQUIP Software Control Testen where he works closely together with Martin Pol. In this function he keeps track of current developments and trends in the testing world and develops matching test approaches, for instance on test automation and testing in RAD environments.
Bart is frequently giving courses in the Benelux on testing and he is regularly invited to make presentations on national and international seminars, including the last two EuroSTAR conferences, Unicom, FESMA, NOVI, EPIC, etcetera.
Gunther Chrobok-Diening is with Siemens in Munich, Germany. His current interests are testing distributed systems, component-based and object-oriented software. Gunther started his career in 1992 at DLR, the German Aerospace Center. He holds a degree in Applied Mathematics from the University of Kaiserslautern and a degree in Meteorology from the University of Hannover.
Adrian Cowderoy is currently Managing Director of the Multimedia House of Quality Ltd. He is the General chair of ESCOM-SCOPE-99 and ESCOM-ENCRESS-98 conferences. He was Program chair for EXCOM 96 and 97, and he was the founder of EXCOM Conference Ltd (1997), was managing director until April 1999, and currently serves as new business director. Mr. Cowderoy was on the Programme committee of IEEE METRICS-98 and IEEE METRICS-99 [http://www.escom.co.uk/escom]. He has been on the Program Committee of the annual COCOMO/SCM conference since 1996. He is also a registered expert to the European Commission DGXIII.
He is a visiting lecturer at City University, London, and is responsible for the course "project management for systems development". He is also currently a visiting academic at Middlesex University, in management information systems, and is a researcher in electronic commerce and intelligent tutoring, at Imperial College, London.
His previous appointments include: Project Manager of MultiSpace (project EP23066 under the European Strategic Programme for Research in Information Technology http://www.cordis.lu/esprit), which has a budget of approximately 1.1 million US dollars. He was a Research fellow at City University from 1990-1998, and a Research Associate at Imperial College from 1986-1989. Topics included project management, cost estimation, metrics, risk management and quality evaluation. He lectured in project management to City University, since 1995, and in industrial training on risk management and cost estimation to the aerospace and medical industries in the UK, Germany and Italy since 1995. He did independent training and consultancy since 1995, and is the creator of the Goal Risk Tool. He was also a Quality Consultant (and software developer) at International Computers Limited, UK, from 1979-1985, where he worked on VME/B CADES, DRS20 and 300 series operating systems and networking.
His academic qualifications include: an MSc in Management Science from Imperial College, University of London in 1986. There he was a member of the Association of MBA's. He received a BSc in Physics with Engineering from Queen Mary College, University of London, in 1979.
Mr. Cowderoy was joint editor of Project Control for 2000 and Beyond (Elsevier, 1998), and Project Control for Software Quality (Elsevier, 1999. He wrote "Opportunity-driven control of quality and cost" with Mario Bucolo and Fred Schindler, in Project Control for Software Quality (Elsevier 1999). He wrote "A metrics framework for multimedia creation" with A.J.M. Donaldson and J.O. Jenkins at IEEE Metrics 1998, Maryland, USA, and "Towards multimedia systems quality" with John Donaldson in Achieving Software Product Quality (UTN Publishers, 1998).
( adrian.cowderoy@mmhq.co.uk)
( http://members.aol.com/acowderoy)
Dirk Craeynest is I.T. Consultant for OFFIS nv/sa in Belgium, and works since 1995 on large (Ada-related) software projects in industry.
He got a degree in mathematics and a degree in computer science at the university in Leuven, Belgium (K.U.Leuven). He worked there for over 11 years in the Programming Languages and Compiler Construction research group, and was involved in research and teaching on topics related to programming languages, compiler construction and software engineering. He is still a part-time researcher at the Computer Science Department of the K.U.Leuven.
He is co-founder and board member of the Ada-Belgium Organization and manages the external relations of Ada-Belgium including ftp-archive, Web-server and mailing lists. Since 1996, he is Vice President of Ada-Europe, the European Federation of national Ada organizations. Since 1998, he is News Editor of the quarterly Ada User Journal.
Dirk is involved in the organization of several annual conferences such as Ada-Europe's International Conferences on Reliable Software Technologies and the Ada-Belgium Seminars. He has been member of the Programme Committee of numerous national and international Ada-related conferences, and was a member of the Advisory Board of several QW and QWE events.
Sylvia Daiqui is the manager of the Software Engineering Laboratory - Test Center Oberpfaffenhofen of the German Aerospace Center. This laboratory is acredified with respect to the most important national and international test standards (IEEE and ISO Standards). She is an expert in Software Testing and Software Quality Evaluation and Metrics. She provides consulting and training in these areas. Sylvia has been working in the field of Software Engineering since 1988 and in the German Research Establishment since 1990.
Sylvia holds a degree in Informatic from the University of Lujan and a degree in Engineering in Computer from the University of Montevideo.
Taz Daughtrey is Founding Editor-in-Chief of the new quarterly journal from the American Society for Quality (ASQ), Software Quality Professional (http://www.asq.org/products/journals/sqp.html). An experienced designer and leader of software quality initiatives and process improvement projects, he is presently Senior Quality Engineer for the Naval Nuclear Fuel Division of BWX Technologies in Lynchburg, Virginia, USA.
Taz is Liaison Chair of the ASQ Software Division (http://www.asq.org/sd/swqweb.html), an instructor for the ASQ's software quality engineering courses (http://www.asq.org/products/courses/fall/softeng.html#soft4), and an active participant in development of various technical and professional standards. He contributed chapters to the second and third editions of The ISO 9000 Handbook and to Quality Planning, Control and Improvement in Research and Development.
Taz has published numerous technical papers; has given presentations at conferences in the U.S., Canada, Switzerland, Sweden and Austria; and has conducted nearly one hundred classes on various software quality topics throughout the U.S., Canada, Japan, England, Russian and Germany.
Taz is a member of the IEEE Computer Society and a Senior Member of the ASQ. He earned the B.S. in Physics and the M.Ed. in Science Education degrees from the University of Virginia. He has served as a consultant to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the Electric Power Research Institute, the Canadian government and the Japanese Space Agency.
Mr. Drake is a software and systems quality specialist and management and information technology consultant for Coastal Research & Technology, Inc. in the United States. He currently leads and manages a U.S. government agency-level Software Engineering Knowledge Based Center's software quality engineering initiative. As part of an industry and government outreach/partnership program, he holds frequent seminars and tutorials covering code analysis, software metrics, OO analysis for C++ and Java, coding practice, testing, best current practices in software development, the business case for software engineering, software quality engineering, project management, organizational dynamics and change management, and the people side of information technology.
Mr. Drake has personally measured and analyzed over 125,000,000 lines of Java, C++, C, Ada, Fortran, Pascal, and Assembler code plus others. He supports the "weak-link" theory of software development and the use of software entropy principles as a risk identifier for generating higher quality software-based information technology systems.
He is the principal author of a chapter on "Metrics Used for Object-Oriented Software Quality" for a CRC Press Object Technology Handbook published in December of 1998. In addition, Mr. Drake is the author of a theme article entitled: "Measuring Software Quality: A Case Study" published in the November 1996 issue of IEEE Computer.
Mr. Drake is listed with the International Who's Who for Information Technology for 1999, is a member of IEEE and an affiliate member of the IEEE Computer Society. He is also a Certified Software Test Engineer (CSTE) from the Quality Assurance Institute (QAI). He considers himself a quality advocate and a software archaeologist.
Dr. Liggesmeyer is a Project Manager at Siemens Corporate Technology in Munich, Germany. His research interests include safety and reliability analysis techniques for technical systems and quality assurance of embedded software. Dr. Liggesmeyer received the diploma in Electrical Engineering from the University of Paderborn in 1988. Prior to joining Siemens in 1993, he was a research assistant at the University of Bochum, Germany, where he completed his doctorate in Electrical Engineering in 1992. He received the 1993 software engineering award of the Gesellschaft fur Informatik for his dissertation on software testing. Dr. Liggesmeyer is the author and editor of four books about software testing, analysis, and verification. Since several years, he is also a lecturer for software quality assurance at the University of Bochum.
Dr. Edward Miller is President of Software Research, Inc., San Francisco, California, where he has been involved with software test tools development and software engineering quality questions. Dr. Miller has worked in the software quality management field for 25 years in a variety of capacities, and has been involved in the development of families of automated software and analysis support tools. He was chairman of the 1985 1st International Conference on Computer Workstations, and has participated in IEEE conference organizing activities for many years. He is the author of Software Testing and Validation Techniques, an IEEE Computer Society Press tutorial text. Dr. Miller received his Ph.D. (Electrical Engineering) degree from the University of Maryland, an M.S. (Applied Mathematics) degree from the University of Colorado, and a BSEE from Iowa State University.
Martin Pol, with more than 25 years of experience in information technology, has worked for IQUIP Informatica B.V. in The Netherlands since 1991, within Software Control Testen, a department dedicated to testing only. Since 1997 Martin Pol is also working in Belgium, where his services are available through Gitek n.v. in Antwerp. With exceptional insight and experience in practical testing issues, Martin is a respected speaker at conferences and training sessions throughout Europe and in the USA. He is responsible for many publications on structured testing in Dutch, English and French. He was involved in the development of the structured testing approach TMap. Under his management TMap became the Dutch and Belgian testing standard. Now the approach is used in more than 200 companies in the Benelux and other parts of Europe. Martin Pol is co-author of three Dutch books on TMap and Test Process Improvement, and of the English translations of TMap and TPI, that will be available in the autumn of 1998. As Manager Research & Development he is responsible for the innovation of the testing methods of Software Control Testen and Gitek. Martin Pol was Programme Chair of the EuroSTAR conference in 1996 and 1997 and is Chairman of the Dutch Special Interest Group in Software Testing, TestNet.
Suzanne is co-author of Mastering the Requirements Process (Addison-Wesley 1999), a book that provides guidance on finding requirements and writing them so that they can be understood by all the stakeholders.
Suzanne is a principal of The Atlantic Systems Guild, a systems think tank. She has more than 30 years experience in systems specification and building. Her courses on requirements, systems analysis, design and problem solving are well known for their innovative workshops and business games.
Suzanne has varied experience as a manager, programmer, analyst, and designer. Since 1978, she has consulted, done research and taught in Europe, Australia, the Far East and the United States. She specializes in helping organizations to adapt modern systems development techniques to fit specific projects.
Current work includes research and consulting on patterns and the specification and reuse of requirements and techniques for assessing requirements specifications. The product of this research is Volere, a complete requirements process and template for assessing requirements quality, and for specifying business requirements.
Apart from her books, Suzanne is author of many papers on systems engineering. She is a member of IEEE and the Australian Computer and is Roving Ambassador for the British Computer Society's Reuse Group.
(The Atlantic Systems Guild Website)
Henk Sanders received a Teaching Degree in Mathematics from University of Leiden, Holland. Currently he is an associate director for CMG, participating and advising in the development of CMG's structured testing method TestFrame, and provides sales support for management consultancy services on testing and TestFrame in Hollnd, Belgium and France, as well as project support and project management. Mr. Sanders is an Advisor of the CMG courses "Test Specification Techniques", "TestFrame General", "TestFrame Analysis" and "TestFrame Testmanagement". He previously worked as senior management consultant, responsible for and participating in product development of TestFrame, and performed sales support, project support, project management and teaching in Holland, Germany and UK. He was the teacher and developer of the CMG courses "TestFrame General", "TestFrame Analysis" and "TestFrame Testmanagement". At Rabobank Netherlands, from 1996 to 1997 he provided management support and project management of TestFrame and QA projects, test consultance, and test management of the large scale automated implementation of a Platform Acceptance Test for local banks with several thousands of end-users. He worked from 1994 to 1996 at SVB as management consultant responsible as developer, technical lead, and project lead for projects on child allowance and penstions. He also worked as a consultant on testing, testautomation, technical infrastructure, software inspection, rapid application development and ITIL-services. From 1987 to 1994, Mr. Sanders worked at CAP Gemini as a consultant responsible as developer, technical lead, and project lead for projects in environments of banking and social security, and did consultancy on testing and technical infrastructure. He was teacher and developer of SVB Internal courses on technical infrastructure, and was teacher of CAP Gemini courses on structured programming and testing. From 1980 to 1987, he was a teacher of mathematics at Dalton College, The Hague.
Mr. Sanders publications include "Automatisch testen helpt bij conversie en euro" (Computable 30 mei 1997, pp. 37-39) with H. Buwalda and A.J. Kok, and CMG Handbook on TestFrame, 1997, 322 pages. He participated on the publications TestFrame: Vision on Testing with A.J. Kok and J.W. de Gruijter, 1998, 64 pages, and "Efficient en flexibel testen", (Computable, 23 mei 1997, pp 44-48).
Dr. Antonio Serra received his degree in electronic engineering from the University of Torino, Italy. Since 1990 he has been President of ASIC S.r.l., Torino, where he has been involved with software testing tools development. He is a consultant in software quality and software engineering for many important companies, especially in military and space applications. His main research activity is in graphic pattern recognition, software analysis and software testing tools. (serra@qualitylab.com)
Dr. Torbjorn Skramstad is currently a professor in Computer Science at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NUST) in Trondheim, Norway. He is also working part time in Det Norske Veritas as a software quality expert.
Dr. Skramstad has more than 20 years of experience in software development, software quality, software project management and teaching. He has an M.Sc. degree and PhD is from the Technical university of Norway (now NUST).
He has been involved in many projects with European and Norwegian industry, and with European Space Agency within the area of Software Quality.
Dr. Skramstad's current research interests include software verification and validation, test methods, and testing tools for complex and critical software systems.
Dr. Skramstad is Norwegian co-ordinator for the Encress Project- a European Network of Clubs for REliability and Safety of Software.
Harry Sneed graduated from the University of Maryland with a Masters Degree in Public Administration and Information Sciences in 1969. His work has been as a Programmer/Analyst at the U.S. Navy Department, as a Programmer and Instructor at the Volkswagen Foundation, as a Systemsprogrammer and Project Leader at Siemens, as an independent Test Consultant, as a Software Laboratory Leader for the SZAMOK and SZKI Institutes in Hungary, as a Reengineering Project Leader at the Union Bank of Switzerland, as the manager of a German Software House, and as an ESPRIT Research Consultant in Italy and England. Currently, he is working as a tool developer for an Austrian Software House developing OO-Software for banks in Vienna.
Harry Sneed has published more than 100 technical articles both in English and German Computer Science Journals and proceedings, in addition to 11 books in Germany, including two on testing. His latest book on Object- Oriented Testing will appear this year with Addison & Wesley. His last book on Object-Oriented Software Migration appeared last year with the same publishing company. In addition to his publishing work, Sneed has developed more than 50 different Software Engineering Tools for maintenance, project calculation, software measurement, software testing, software reverse & -reengineering, software design and software auditing. He is currently in the program committees of the International Conference on Software Maintenance, the IEEE Workshop on Reverse Engineering, the IEEE Workshop on Program Comprehension, and the European Conference on Maintenance and Reengineering. His main interests are in Software-Metrics, -Maintenance, -Migration and -Test. He is a member of the IEEE Computer Society and the ACM.
Gerald Sonneck holds a Masters Degree in Physics from the University of Technology, Vienna Austria. He joined the Austrian Research Center Seibersdorf in 1973, contributing to the licensing of the Boiling Water Reactor GKT (Austria) in the fields of thermal hydraulics, accident analysis and probablistic risk analysis. In 1977-78 he was assigned to the Loss of Fluid Test (LOFT) project in Idaho Falls, Idaho, USA, where he worked in experimental support and test analysis. From 1980 to 1989 he headed the Reactor Safety Group in the Institute for Reactor Safety, from 1989 to 1993 the Department of Energy and Engineering and since then the Working Group on Systems Safety.
Currently he is performing safety and availability analyses for industry, rail transport and telecommunications and was involved in the EU-projects ESPITI (European Software Process Improvement Training Initiative), ENCRESS (European Network of Clubs for REliability and Safety of Software), OLOS (A Holistic Approach to the Dependability Analysis and Evaluation of Control Systems Involving Hardware, Software and Human Resources) and ACRuDA (Assessment and Certification Rules for Digital Architectures).
Bernhard Steffen holds a Diplom in Mathematics (1983) and a Ph.D. in Computer Science (1987) from the University of Kiel (Germany). AFter holding research positions at the University of Edinburgh, UK (1988-89) and at the University of Aarhus, DK (1990) he was tenured Associate Professor at the Technical University of Aachen, D (1990-93) and held the Chair of Programming Systems at the University of Passau (1993-97). Since September 1997 he holds the Chair of Programming System at the University of Dortmund.
Based on his experience in numerous industrial projects in the area of telecommunications and the Internet, Bernhard Steffen founded the internation journal on Software Tool for Technology Transfer (STTT), which aims at bringing formal methods into practice. The goal is also supported by the STTT-related Electronic Tool Integration platform (ETI), an experimentation platform designed with the aim to let practitioners "experience" theory in terms of tools [http://eti.cs.uni-dortmund.de].
Since 1989, Ruud Teunissen is employed in the testing world. He has been involved in a large number of ICT projects and has performed several functions within the testing organization: tester, test specialist, test advisor, test manager, etc. Based on his experience, Ruud participated in the development of the structured testing methodology TMap and is co-author of several books on structured testing. The last years Ruud is involved in implementing structured testing within organizations on the Belgian and Dutch market. At this moment Ruud is working in Belgium for Gitek n.v. as Manager Testen. In Belgium Ruud is frequently speaking on conferences organized by the IIR (Institute for International Research), the SAI (Study Centre for Automated Information processing), etcetera.
Gordon Tredgold is the founder and Managing Consultant of the Testing Consultancy, an independent specialist testing consultancy. Gordon has over 12 years IT experience with the last 8 years spent in testing and project management. He has worked with several large blue chip companies either managing their testing or defining corporate tests strategies for programmes such as 1998 Electricity Deregulation, Euro and Year 2000. As a pragmatic solution provider, Gordon is a well respected member of the testing community. Kredietbank, Barclaycard and ICL.
Drs. Erik P.W.M. van Veenendaal CISA has been working as a practitioner and manager within the area of software quality for a great number of years carrying out assignments in the field of quality management, project control, EDP-auditing and software testing. He has recently been responsible and involved in a number of European projects within the area of software product quality. Within this area he specializes in software testing. As a test manager and test consultant he is involved in a number of various projects, he has implemented structured testing in a large number of organizations and gives (international) training courses on a regular basis.
He is author of a number of books, e.g. "Structured Testing: an introduction to TMap" and "Software quality from a business perspective" and a regular speaker both at national and international testing conferences. Erik van Veenendaal is the founder and director of Improve Quality Services, a company that provides services in the area of quality management and testing. At the Eindhoven University of Technology, Faculty of Technology Management, Erik is part-time involved in lecturing and research activities.
Otto Vinter received his Masters Degree in Computer Science from the Danish Technical University in 1968. He has given public seminars, been associate teacher for BSc. level education in Computer Science, and is a active participant in Danish software-knowledge exchange groups. He is currently responsible for CEC sponsored projects at Brüel & Kjaer to improve the development process. In this position, he has also been active in defining software engineering standards, procedures, and methods to be employed at Brüel & Kjaer. He has been the driving force in the company's transition from procedural programming to Object-Oriented development. He has managed software development projects for 25+ years; with Brüel & Kjaer from 1986, before that with the Danish branch of Control Data Corporation, and with Regnecentralen.
(Dr. Otto Vinter's Home Page)