Quality Week/Europe '99 (QWE'99) is run by Software Research Institute (SR/Institute), a not-for-profit subsidiary of Software Research, Inc. Organizations which have agreed to be sponsors of the QWE'99 event are given below.The QWE'99 event is organized and presented in cooperation with certain other organizations, whose support is also acknowledged below. Note: Additional sponsors and cooperating organizations are expected to be added. Updated 22 August 1999.
The ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) has approved Quality Week '98 as an event presented in cooperation with the ACM. ACM members receive a 10% discount when they register using their ACM Membership Number.
ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery, is an international scientific and educational organization dedicated to advancing the arts, sciences, and application of information technology. With a worldwide membership of 80,000, ACM functions as a locus for various fields of Information Technology.
Membership benefits include a subscription to Communications of the ACM, discounts on conferences and publications, 36 special interest groups and the new ACM Digital Library. The Digital Library includes unlimited access to 22 ACM publications and archives, 6 years of conference proceedings and over 100,000 pages of text, with full searching capabilities.
For more information visit our website at: http://www.acm.org or contact ACM directly at: 1 (800) 342-6626 (U.S.A. & Canada) or 1 (212) 626-0500 (anywhere), by fax at: 1 (212) 944-1318, email: acmhelp@acm.org, or by writing to ACM, Member Services Department, P.O. Box 11315, New York, NY 10286-1315.
ACM SIGSOFT focuses on issues relating to all aspects of software engineering, providing a forum for computing professionals from industry, government and academia to examine principles, practices, education, and new research results in software engineering. In addition to ICSE, SIGSOFT sponsors the Foundations of Software Engineering conference and a variety of one-time and on-going workshops that bring practitioners, researchers, and educators together to discuss and debate timely issues. SIGSOFT publishes a bimonthly newsletter, Software Engineering Notes, which includes articles submitted by members as well as the popular forum "Risks to the Public", which describes software safety mishaps and concerns. ( http://www.acm.org/sigsoft).
The American Society for Quality is a membership organization dedicated to promoting the principles and practices of quality improvement, with a mission to "be recognized throughout the world as the leading authority on, and champion for, quality." The ASQ Software Division, which represents over 5000 professionals worldwide, is dedicated to "improve the ability of individuals and organizations to satisfy their customers with quality software products and services through education, communication, research, outreach, and professional development. ( http://www.asq.org)
The European Software Institute is one of the world's leading independent authorities on software process improvement. ESI is a non-profit-making organisation driven by the demands of European industry. It is supported by the European Commission, the Basque Government and through company membership. ESI's work is centred on products and services that are tied directly to core business objectives such as reducing costs and increasing predictability of results among others. ESI's headquarters are in Bilbao, Spain.
( http://www.esi.es)
The goal of the European Systems and Software Initiative (ESSI) is to promote improvements in the software development process in industry, through the take-up of well-founded and established but insufficiently deployed methods and technologies, so as to achieve greater efficiency, higher quality, and greater economy. In short, the adoption of Software Best Practice. ( http://www.esi.es/ESSI/welcome.html)
SAI (Studiecentrum voor Automatische Informatieverwerking) is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to promote the knowledge of Information. As far as the theoretical as practical aspects of information knowledge, the organization takes a stand on social questions that has to do with automation of information as far as it applies. The activities of the organization are focused on people who are specialists in information. SAI organizes discussions, meetings, seminars, workshops and a magazine called "Informatie". ( http://hosting.netvision.be/sai/right.htm
The aim of TestNet is the professionalization of testing IT products, and an increase in the awareness and importance of testing as a profession in its own right. TestNet stimulates the exchange of professional knowledge and practical experience amongst testers, and stimulates research, from a scientific standpoint as well as from a practical perspective. (http://www.testnet.org)
ABOUT SR/TestWorks...
Software Research, Inc. (SR) offers the TestWorks suite of integrated software test tools that include regression and coverage testing support for UNIX and Windows platforms, in use by thousands of sites worldwide. SR's active program of new-product development includes current applications in Web Testing, UML-Based Test Planning and Development and Remote Testing Technology. SR publishes the widely subscribed TTN-Online, an Emailed monthly newsletter (click to subscribe).
GOLD SPONSOR ABOUT CMG Information Technology...
CMG plc is a leading European IT services company, providing business information solutions through consultancy, systems and services to clients worldwide. Established in 1964, CMG now operates in more than 40 countries from its bases in the UK, The Netherlands, Germany, France and Belgium. The company is listed on the London and Amsterdam stock exchanges. CMG supplies services and products in the finance, trade and industry, transport, telecommunications, energy and public sectors. The Group also provides managed information processing services, including networks, payroll and personnel. One of CMG's many specialisations is the automation of structured testing. CMG has developed a very successful testing method TestFrame. CMG is dedicated to helping its clients and their people become more successful through the quality of its services and staff. Strong employee commitment ensures the Group's long term success and hence the success of its clients.
Gitek n.v. was founded in 1986. The company is located in Antwerp (Belgium) and is specialised in constructing, maintaining and testing application software systems.
Gitek employs about 100 IT-professionals, of which 35 are dedicated test professionals. Gitek supports customers in the financial sector, the industry and the service sector, using the structured test approach TMap and the Test Process Improvement model TPI. TMap and TPI were developed by our partner IQUIP and have become a widely used standard.
Gitek is a regular speaker on testing at national and international conferences and workshops.
Gitek supplies a number of services offering a global solution to testing:
- Participation in the test process at the customers site.
- Consultancy on the structured testing (according to TMap).
- Test projects (e.g. fixed price) with result responsibility.
- Consultancy and implementation on automated software testing.
- Consultancy and implementation of structured testing based on the Test Process Improvement model TPI.
Since 1972 IQUIP Informatica B.V. has been supporting organisations in carrying out their core processes. With its 1300 employees IQUIP does this by constructing, maintaining, testing and implementing application software systems. IQUIP increasingly concentrates on carrying out assignments with result responsibility. In testing, IQUIP achieves this through her dedicated division Components & Testing (300 employees), using the structured testing approach TMap®. TMap® was developed by IQUIP itself and has become a widely used international standard. TMap® related methods such as TAKT (test automation), TSite (test laboratory) and TPI® (Test Process Improvement®) have recently completed the product range. A dedicated R&D team is continuously improving these methods and, if required, develops new products.
GOLD SPONSOR ABOUT Mercury Interactive...
Mercury Interactive Corporation develops, markets, and supports a suite of solutions that automate testing and quality assurance for client/server software, e-business applications, enterprise resource planning applications and Year 2000 issues. Our solutions help customers identify software errors more quickly and more efficiently than traditional methods, enabling them to deploy new software with confidence that it will work efficiently. Mercury Interactive is based in Sunnyvale, California, with additional offices providing research and development, sales and support around the world.
Qualityhouse is the Netherland's leading independent company aimed at Quality-assurance in ICT. Qualityhouse focuses on:
Qualityhouse supports software testing by placing testers as consultants within projects and by offering the possibility of outsourcing the entire testprocess.
- Testing Software
- Improving testprocesses
- Improving software development processes
- Courses on testing
Qualityhouse does not involve itself in software development whatsoever. As a result of this unique position Qualityhouse is capable of offering a truly independent quality assessment.
Reasoning provides a new class of e-services to enhance the quality and reliability of Internet and legacy applications.
Reasoning's Inspector Plus uses a combination of automated software inspection technology and a repeatable methodology to rapidly inspect software for defects that cause software failures and data corruption.
Unlike conventional solutions, Reasoning's Inspector Plus services does not require large investments in staff, tools, and training. The benefits are more reliable software, reduced testing costs and faster time to deployment.
Compuware Corporation offers software tools and professional services that help the world's largest software companies more efficiently build, maintain and enhance their most critical business applications. Our unique combination of productivity tools and services has helped make us both the world leader in software testing and quality assurance and the world's fifth largest independent software vendor.
Compuware offers our 14,000 customers a one-vendor solution that extends across the application lifecycle, from development through testing, and managing application service levels in production. Our tools and services extend across the enterprise, whether your application is mainframe, distributed, and/or web-based. Compuware's testing tools include QACenter, NuMega, File-AID, XPEDITER and EcoSYSTEMS.
To offer the best solution to quality problems of computer systems by using its test expert knowledge in a professional way.
- Best solution: the solution that provides the highest contribution.
- Computer systems: hardware as well as software under all forms, such as IT, automation, embedded systems, etc.
- Test expert knowledge: the intellectual asset of ps_testware, a profound and complete knowledge regarding verification and validation (testing).
- Professional: the courage to really provide what has been promised.
Don't hesitate and visit our website: http://www.pstestware.com
Software Research Institute (SR/Institute), a not-for-profit subsidiary of Software Research, Inc., was founded to promote the issues of Software Quality throughout the software development community.
In addition to the Quality Week Conference series SR/Institute sponsors continuing education seminars in the general area of software quality and software engineering, and Software Quality Forums at which software quality industry leaders provide state of the art technology transfer to industry executives about how to best apply current technology to immediate software quality needs.