San Francisco

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Quality Week 2001

 San Francisco, California, USA   |   29 May - 1 June 2001 

Golden Gate Bridge

We are very proud to announce the program of the 14th International Software & Internet Quality week Conference (Theme: The Internet Wave). QW2001 is in San Francisco, May 29 - June 1, 2001.

The QW2001 Advisory Board has assembled a terrific team of over 100 speakers, representative of the state of the art in software and Internet QA and testing, from around the world: from the USA to the UK, from Europe to China. Our goal of bringing together industry and academic, software oriented and Internet oriented, USA and non-USA specialists, has been reached.

Here are some key features of QW2001:

  • We are honored to have a distinguished lineup of industrial and academic keynote speakers:
    • Ms. Lisa Crispin (iFactor-e) "The Need For Speed: Automating Functional Testing In An eXtreme Programming Environment (QW2000 Best Presentation) (1P1)"
    • Mr. Dave Lilly (siteROCK Corporation) "Internet Quality of Service (QoS): The State Of The Practice (1P2)"
    • Dr. Linda Rosenberg (GSFC NASA) "Independent Verification And Validation Implementation At NASA (5P1)"
    • Dr. Dalibor Vrsalovic (Intel Corporation) "Internet Infrastrucure: The Shape Of Things To Come (5P2)"
    • Mr. Hans Buwalda (CMG) "The Three "Holy Grails" of Test Development (...adventures of a mortal tester...) (10P1)"
    • Mr. Ed Kit (SDT Corporation) "Test Automation -- State of the Practice (10P2)"
    • Mr. Thomas Drake (Integrated Computer Concepts, Inc ICCI) "Riding The Wave -- The Future For Software Quality (10P3)"

  • 14 Pre-Conference Tutorials conducted by the foremost experts in their fields:
    • Mr. Tom Gilb (Result Planning Limited) "Software Inspection For The Internet Age: How To Increase Effect And Radically Reduce the Cost (A1) (A2)"
    • Mr. Erik Simmons (Intel Corporation) "Writing Good Requirements (B1)"
    • Dr. Norman Schneidewind (Naval Postgraduate School) "A Roadmap To Distributed Client-Server Software Reliability Engineering (C1)"
    • Mr. Gualtiero Bazzana (ONION, S.P.A) "Web Testing Techniques and Tools (D1) (D2)"
    • Mr. Robert Sabourin (AmiBug.Com) "Getting Started -- Stressing Web Applications: Stress Early -- Stress Often (E1)"
    • Mr. Ross Collard (Collard and Co.) "Test Estimating (F1)"
    • Mr. Thomas Drake (Integrated Computer Concepts, Inc ICCI) "The Quality Challenge For Network Based Software Systems (G1)"
    • Mr. Bill Deibler (Software Systems Quality Consulting) "Making the CMM Work: Streamlining the CMM for Todays Projects and Organizations (B2)"
    • Dr. John Musa (Consultant) "More Reliable Software Faster And Cheaper (C2)"
    • Dr. Edward Miller (eValid, Inc.) "Client-Side WebSite Testing (E2)"
    • Dr. Cem Kaner (Florida Institute of Technology) "Teaching Testing: A Skills-Based Approach (F2)"
    • Mr. Ed Kit (SDT Corporation) "Establishing a Fully Integrated Test Automation Architecture (G2)"

  • 4 Post-Conference Workshops to brainstorm and help you take newly gained insights back to your job:

  • The conference runs Six Parallel Tracks and covers the broad field of software quality:
    • Technology: From OO Automation to Java and UML methods
    • Applications: Hear solutions from researchers and practitioners
    • Internet: E-commerce experiences, Internet Time and Site Performance
    • Management: Managing Testing, Defect Tracking, Process Innovations
    • 90-minute QuickStarts: Experts' discussions tailored to people new in the industry
    • Vendor Technical Presentations: Broaden your tools and services database.

  • Debate with the Experts in 2 Panel Sessions:

  • Birds Of A Feather Sessions (BOFS) organized by QW2001 Advisory Board Member Mark Wiley.

  • 45+ Industry Exhibitors will showcase their services and latest tools at the Two-Day Trade Show.

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